Operate From Victory

Operate From Victory

October 12, 2018

“But thanks be to God!  He gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

– 1 Corinthians 15:57


 Do not let anything drag you down… The enemy wants to keep you in a place of discouragement.  He wants to keep your eyes focused on your sin, your failures, your imperfections, your feelings of worthlessness, EVERYTHING – to try to keep you from seeing the truth about how God sees you!  The Lord sees you through loving eyes and he knows exactly what you are going through.  Jesus is standing with you in the storm, but he wants you to see past the storm that is raging in your life.   He wants you to be able see the light at the end of the tunnel before it even comes.  And even more, the Lord wants you to operate from the victory that he has already won for you!  As you are walking into work where your boss treats you like the scum of the earth, the Lord wants you to walk in with the boldness and confidence of a lion.  When you are persecuted, picked on, and belittled by the people around you one day, the Lord wants you to come back with your head held high the next.  When the devil wants to accuse you and remind you of all the wrong things you have done in your life, the Lord Jesus wants you to stand your ground, rebuke that devil, and remind him that you are not that person anymore, that you are a child of the Most High God!  The Lord wants you to not be discouraged by the enemy, but to overcome the enemy by operating from the Victory that is already yours through Christ Jesus!