Pleasing In God’s Sight

Pleasing In God’s Sight

October 16, 2018

And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

– 1 John 3:22


Do you ever wonder how to please God?  You might have asked God for many things in your life, but what exactly does the Lord Almighty desire for us to do to be pleasing in his sight?  Well, the Lord made it quite simple for us to understand by providing his commandments.  If we follow God’s commandments then we are going to be pleasing to God.  Now this world will tell you quite the opposite!  Christians are now being told it is not necessary to keep the ten commandments because they are considered as “the law” and Jesus came to abolish the law.  Yet that is not at all what the Bible says!  That is far from the truth!  The Bible says that Jesus came to FULFILL the Law, not abolish it!  That means that the ten commandments are still in place and they still need to be followed!  And if we are truly living our lives for Jesus (Yeshua) filled up with the Holy Spirit, then we are going to naturally desire to keep the ten commandments, not break them, because the law is now written on our hearts!  Pleasing God is in a sense like pleasing your parents.  At one time you may have rebelled against your parents as they tried to set rules and boundaries for you, but when you grew up you began to realize that the only reason why your parents set those rules and boundaries for you was to keep you safe!  Now you appreciate your parents’ efforts to keep you safe and this appreciation makes you desire to please your parents in every way because now you understand why they set those rules for you.  You even desire to set those rules and boundaries for your own children!  And in the same way, when we rebel against our Abba Father we are not following his commandments which he has set like rules and boundaries to keep us safe because we are going astray.  Yet when we grow up spiritually through the Holy Spirit, we come to realize that the Lord has set these commandments as rules and boundaries to keep us safe and we finally come to appreciate and desire to follow those commandments with all our heart because in them lies the straight path that not only protects us, but is pleasing to God.  As we follow this straight path we can rest assure that whatever we ask we shall receive because we are now doing those things that are pleasing in God’s sight.