Prophet Without Honor

Prophet Without Honor

October 17, 2018

Jesus left there and went to his home-town, accompanied by his disciples.  When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed.  “Where did this man get these things?” they asked.  “What’s this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles!  Isn’t this the carpenter?  Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon?  Aren’t his sisters here with us?  And they took offense at him.  Jesus said to them, “Only in his home-town, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.”  He could not do any miracles there…

– Mark 6:1-5


Do you feel like a prophet without honor in your home-town?  You have clearly heard from the Lord what he desires for you to do for him through the Holy Spirit and you have been actively pursuing those things.  On top of that, you have received profound revelations from the Lord, but it seems like no one around you wants to even listen to you!  You have told your family about the encounters you have had with the Lord and all the things that he has revealed to you, but they refuse to listen!  You have tried to witness to those closest to you and warn them, sounding the alarm about the coming of the Lord, but everyone has blocked their ears to your voice trying to talk about anything and everything other than God and his Holy Spirit!  It seems like everyone around you keeps pursuing things in their own life for their own advantage, but never desiring more of God and his Holy Spirit!  Even if you try to mention God or his Holy Spirit, you are met with sharp hostility!  You have even been harshly persecuted by those you love deeply who continue to walk in their waywardness!  Just know today that you are not alone!  Jesus (Yeshua) experienced exactly what you are going through!  When teaching to the Jewish people in the synagogue on the Sabbath day in his own home-town, Jesus said, “Only in his home-town, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.”  Jesus said this because he knew that the people there did not believe anything he had to say, which prevented him from truly be effective.  Even Jesus said that he could not do ANY miracles there!  Now that is Astonishing!  People who really knew Jesus could not believe him because they were all focused on the outward appearances of things!  They could not get past the fact that they knew about him and his family and even saw him grow up!  They could not see anything spiritually because they would not accept anything he said.  All they could do was take offense at him!  Now you know that if Jesus himself could not be accepted in his home-town, then you will not be accepted in yours either!  But do not let that discourage you!  There are still people out there who need to hear what the Lord has revealed to you!  The Lord has shown you these things not for you to just sit on them, but to share with others!  And to those who actually need to hear what you have to say, you will be a prophet WITH honor!