Protected In The Lions’ Den

Protected In The Lions’ Den

October 17, 2018

“My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.  They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight.  Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king.”  The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den.  And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.

– Daniel 6:22-23


Today, do you feel like you have been thrown right in the middle of the lions’ den just like Daniel?  It literally feels like you are in a den of lions with all the non-stop attacks and lashings you are getting from everyone around you!   You keep crying out to the Lord incessantly to get you out, but you have yet to see the open door to leave!  You wonder to yourself why the Lord would bring you to such a place in your life!  Why would God desire for you to be here of all places in the world?  Just know today that you are not alone, that God is hearing every one of your cries to him, and there is a reason why he has you in this lions’ den even though you might not understand why!  It might be so you can minister to people around you and prove the Lord your God to be Greater!  The Lord God cares about you and he has never once left your side, nor will he ever leave you!  Just because you do not see the open door to your escape right now does not mean that the Lord is not making an escape route for you!  Do not allow the attacks from the lions to discourage you, because they are just the enemy trying to shout in your face!  Yet the Lord God laughs in the face of the enemy!  The enemy only wants to make you feel defeated, discouraged, belittled, intimidated, humiliated, despised, rejected, and scorned… But just know today that the Lord sees every injustice towards his people and he will not allow it to continue for much longer!  The enemy will try to say and do anything to you, but the Lord God will not allow the enemy to touch his people!  Even after the king realized the Huge mistake he made in sealing Daniel in the lions’ den over night and ran to see if Daniel was still alive in the morning, Daniel responded to him and said that God sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions so they could not hurt him because he was found innocent in God’s sight!  So today, even though you are in the middle of the lions’ den, do not fear, for the Lord is on your side and he is fighting for you!  And just like Daniel, you will soon be lifted out and no wound is going to be found on you, because you trusted in the Lord your God and He protected you in the lion’s den!