Seal Of Ownership

Seal Of Ownership

October 17, 2018

Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ.  He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

– 2 Corinthians 1:21-22


Isn’t this passage of scripture Absolutely AMAZING?!!!  It is Awesome to know that as true believers in Jesus (Yeshua) who have received him into our hearts through Salvation – repentance, immersion baptism, and the infilling of God’s Holy Spirit – we are now sealed for the day of redemption!  God has anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and he has put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, Guaranteeing what is to come!  That is the Importance of having God’s Holy Spirit within us!  It is our anointing!  It is our Seal of Ownership by God!  It is God’s deposit upon our hearts guaranteeing that we will one day be with him!  What Promise there is in having God’s Holy Spirit within us!  We are Promised Everlasting life in heaven with Jesus (Yeshua) Forever!!  You see, God’s Holy Spirit in our hearts is just like a pledge or a down-payment guaranteeing that the entire pledge will be given!  That means that we are guaranteed everlasting life in heaven with Jesus (Yeshua) in advance!  Now isn’t that POWERFUL?!!  I certainly believe so!  And this very promise of the Holy Spirit by God allows us stand firm in Jesus (Yeshua) until we are finally raptured home to heaven!  With the Holy Spirit within us, there is no room for doubt that one day we will be raptured home to heaven to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus (Yeshua)!  Amen!  Have you been filled up with God’s precious Holy Spirit?  Do you have this seal of ownership on You??  Make sure you do Today!