Sealed For Redemption Day

Sealed For Redemption Day

October 14, 2018

“And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.  Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of his glory.”

– Ephesians 1:13-14


Did you know that if you have truly accepted Jesus into your heart by believing in him and have been filled with the Holy Spirit, then you are sealed for the day of redemption?!!  Yes!  In Jesus you have been marked by the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit is your seal of ownership by God!  The Holy Spirit is a deposit from God guaranteeing that we have been purchased, that we are indeed his possession, and we have an eternal inheritance awaiting us in heaven!  Isn’t that Exciting!!!  So if you have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you, then there is Absolutely no doubt that you are going to heaven to be with Jesus!  When I imagine this Ephesians scripture in my mind, I envision an old parchment letter or scroll of our whole life story written by God the Author and sealed with red wax symbolic of Jesus’ blood shed for us on the cross.  Jesus’ blood covers us and he has made everlasting atonement for all of our sins!  We are hidden in him!  We have been bought and paid for by his precious blood!  And if that were not enough, we have been sealed by God’s signet ring!  Back in Bible times, the King was the only one who had the authority to possess a signet ring with his very own initials engraved in it so that he could seal his important documents for delivery.  Yes, you have been sealed by the King!  You have his name written on you!  You are his!  And the seal itself is the promised Holy Spirit, who is God living and dwelling on the inside of us!  So we have been signed, we have been sealed, and soon we will be delivered up to God in the Rapture, which is the Day of our Redemption!