“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
-Matthew 6:33
Do you ever find yourself concentrating on all the things you lack in life to the point where you are unintentionally worrying over them? You think that worrying over all the things you lack might just solve the problem and get you exactly what you want or need. You need a new car! You need your car repaired! You need to make more money to pay your bills! You need to get out of debt! You need new clothes to wear! The list goes on… and on…. Unfortunately, you later realize that your worry got you nowhere! Well maybe there is a better solution that Jesus specifically outlined in His Word for you to grab a hold of today. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33 to Seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness, then all of these things will be added to your life. We need to be seeking Jesus and his righteousness in our life first! We need to be putting him in higher priority than all the temporary things we could ever acquire in this life! But you might say, “I do seek Jesus first in my life, I go to church every Sunday!” Well, I hate to break it to you, but just going to church one day out of the week for only one hour is not putting Jesus as priority in your life! Jesus has to have priority in your heart as well through the Holy Spirit! When we are consistently listening to the Holy Spirit speak to us and we are obedient to what the Holy Spirit leads us to say and do, then we are listening and fulfilling what God is wanting us to do for him! That means we are putting him and his will in full priority, instead of ourselves and our own will! When we are walking in accordance with the Holy Spirit, then we are seeking first God’s Kingdom as well his righteousness, because we are submitting ourselves in obedience to what God desires for us. So get in tune with the Holy Spirit today, decide to put Jesus in priority in your heart, and watch all the things you lack be added to your life!