Set On Heaven

Set On Heaven

October 16, 2018

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

– Colossians 3:1-2


Where is your mind and your heart at today?  Are they set on things in this world or are they set on things in heaven?  If you heart and mind are set on things in this world, then chances are that you have not been truly saved, baptized, and filled up with the Holy Spirit.  It is possible for people who claim to be saved to backslide into the world again, because they were probably not truly filled up with the Holy Spirit beforehand or they didn’t truly understand anything about the Holy Spirit.  You definitely know when you have truly been saved, because there is literally no turning back for you!  Your heart and your mind are no longer focused on earthly things, but on heavenly things!  That is the main distinguishing difference between someone who is not saved and someone who is truly saved.  People who continue to live like the world and claim they are saved are nothing but a lie!  If your heart and mind are focused on the world then you will naturally live like the world, but when you heart and mind are truly focused on Jesus Christ, you will no longer live like the world and desire the things this world desires!  Instead, your heart and mind will be set on heavenly things!  People who live like the world and have not truly been filled with the Holy Spirit mock and scoff at true believers claiming they are from outer-space somewhere.  And the reason why is because true believers are no longer focused on things in this world, but Jesus Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God in heaven!  True believers in Jesus have their hearts and their minds set on him!