So Great Is His Unfailing Love

So Great Is His Unfailing Love

October 16, 2018

For men are not cast off by the Lord forever.  Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love.  For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men.

– Lamentations 3:31-33


Today do you feel heavy with grief and affliction and just need some comfort or someone to tell you everything is going to be okay?  Well let me tell you, everything is going to be okay!  Just keep holding on because even though you feel like giving up, the Lord sees you and the struggles you are going through!  He knows exactly what these trials are going to produce out of you!  And he wants to see how you are going to react.  Are you going to completely abandon him as your God when the trials and tribulations come or are you going to stay grounded in the Word of Truth and cling even tighter to him as your only hope!  These storms are just temporary in the light of all eternity!  What will the Lord find in you??  Because the only way to know what is truly in a person is to put him through the fire.  Will you burn up in the fire like chaff in the wind or will the fire refine you into the purest gold?  When the Lord tests his children, he is wanting to see if you will pass the test… and if you do pass the test he is going to promote you to a higher level with him!  So just know that even though you feel cast off by the Lord right now, you will not be cast off by him forever!  The Lord may allow grief, affliction, and other tests to come to see how you will react, but he will show compassion on you… He will not allow it to continue forever!  That is how great his compassion is for us all!  The Lord even says that he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men!  That goes to show that this grief and affliction does not come from the Lord, rather it comes from the enemy!  So we cannot blame the Lord for our grief or affliction because it does not come from him!  However, we must understand that these struggles that we go through are a test to see how we will react and if we pass the test successfully, we will be rewarded by the Lord!  So Great is his unfailing love for us!