The Great Commission

The Great Commission

October 16, 2018

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

-Matthew 28:19


The Great Commission is still Alive today!  It has not passed away with the 12 disciples!  If you are a believer in Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) and are filled with the Holy Spirit, then you are a disciple just like the 12 and have been given a GREAT Commission by the Lord Jesus to fulfill!  Notice that Jesus told his 12 disciples to go and make disciples of ALL nations!  Now do you actually believe that those 12 disciples in their lifetime were able to fulfill such a HUGE assignment?  They were told to go forth and make disciples of ALL nations, not just some!  The Lord does not appoint us to do something for him that he knows we cannot fulfill!  That can only mean one thing… That the Lord’s disciples are still fulfilling the Great Commission Today!  The Lord is still commissioning his disciples through his Word to go forth and make disciples of all nations!  Notice how Jesus specifically said to “baptize” each one in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!  Jesus did not commission is disciples to go get more people saved through merely confessing with their mouth that they believe in Jesus!  No!!  Jesus said, “baptize them…”  And as true believers in Jesus, that is what we are commissioned to do!  As Jesus’ disciples, we are commissioned to go forth and make more disciples for Jesus through baptism!  It is the responsibility of the one being baptized to repent of their sins and confess with their mouth that they believe in Jesus!  It is the responsibility of the disciple to baptize them in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the remission of sins!  Both aspects on behalf of the person as well as the disciple are needed because they were never separated in Jesus’ time… only today have these aspects of salvation been broken apart!  So let’s go forth as Jesus’ disciples and fulfill this GREAT Commission which is the mission of God’s heart!