The Lord Sees You

The Lord Sees You

October 17, 2018

O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.  You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.

– Psalm 139:1-3


Today do you feel like the Lord doesn’t see you?  You’ve been struggling with so much in your life here lately and you find yourself crying out incessantly to God in complete desperation, just wanting him to see and know everything you are going through so he will sympathize with you!  Just know today that the Lord does see you!  He sees everything about you and nothing is going unnoticed!  He sees all of your struggles and he cares about you deeply!  The Lord loves you Immensely!!  Everything about you matters to him!  Psalm 139 assures us that the Lord sees us so much that he Searches us and Examines us intently!  The Lord sees you so much that he is actually Searching you over!  That is how much you matter to him!  He even knows when you sit and when you rise!  That is how closely he is watching you!  He perceives all your thoughts from afar while everyone else does not even bother to ask you what is on your mind!  Even your thoughts matter to him!  The Lord discerns when you go out and when you lie down… He is familiar with ALL Your ways!  So today, if you feel like the Lord does not see you, just know that he Most Definitely Does!  He is watching everything about you, He Loves You, and he will see you through everything you are struggling with!