The Resurrection And The Life

The Resurrection And The Life

October 16, 2018

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?”

– John 11:25-26


Isn’t it Awesome that we have a God who IS the Resurrection and the Life?!!  And when he says that he truly means it!  Everything he says is the truth and there is no lie that comes from him!  Jesus stated these very words to Martha in regard to her brother Lazarus who had just passed and had been lying in a tomb for 4 days!  After this long period of time there was now a strong odor.  There was no human doctor that could help him and no medicine that he could take.  Absolutely nothing and no one in the world could bring this man back to life again…  Except Jesus!  Many people wondered why it took Jesus so long to get there, knowing Lazarus was practically like is brother from another mother, and everyone thought his arrival was too late…  Yet Jesus had the perfect timing for everything – knowing full well that if he had come sooner someone or something else would take the credit for Lazarus’ resurrection back to life.  Jesus was far from being late, in fact, he was right on time for revealing the Glory of God!  All credit, all honor, all glory, and all praise would be given to God Almighty!  Jesus was trying to tell Martha about his Resurrection Power before the miracle of Lazarus happened… saying, “He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?”  That same Resurrection and Life is still alive today and his name is Jesus!  When you believe in Jesus, you are believing in this same power that raised Lazarus to life again!  Furthermore, Jesus promised that when you believe in him you will live on forever and never pass away!  The flesh may pass away, but the Spirit will never pass away!  And one day we will be resurrected up to eternal life!  That is the hope we have in Jesus!!  Do you believe this?  Do you believe Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life??