The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth Shall Set You Free

October 18, 2018

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

– John 8:31-32


 These words were spoken by Jesus (Yeshua) before the Day of Pentecost where he sent down the Holy Spirit as a comforter and counselor to lead his people into all Truth.  Up to that point the Lord was still with his disciples and he told them that if they would hold to his teaching, then they would be his disciples.  Yet, Jesus (Yeshua) went on to say something interesting… He said, then they will know the truth and the truth will set them free!  Then after his ascension into heaven, Jesus (Yeshua) sent the Holy Spirit (God’s Spirit, who is Truth) down upon his disciples on the Day of Pentecost like tongues of fire speaking in other languages.  WOW!!  Wouldn’t You Love the Truth to set YOU Free?!!  The question is: how can the truth Set You Free??  What Exactly does the Truth set you free from?  When we have the Holy Spirit living and dwelling within us, we are children of God, thus, we are The Church!  That means, we can be anywhere at any time and we are STILL The Church!  Yet, there is so much misconsception in the world making people believe that they have to be tied to a pew in a church building every Sunday morning in order to be considered The Church!  And that is So FAR from the Truth!  How were Jesus (Yeshua’s) disciples able to reach as many people as they did for the Kingdom of God sitting in a church building?!!  They did not stay in one place and neither did Jesus (Yeshua)!  They preached the gospel wherever they went, near and far!  You see, the Holy Spirit sets us free from the box that we put ourselves in as well as the same box we put Jesus (Yeshua) in, calling it “Church”, when it is only a building (a wooden box)!  And Jesus (Yeshua) broke this wooden box by a wooden cross!  He broke down the walls of all the misconceptions we place around him by his Holy Spirit!  No longer do we have to confine ourselves to these boxes of misconceptions when the Lord has set us free just like a dove!  This Holy Spirit dove will not be confined to a wooden cage because it is a burning flame that cannot be contained!  And if you have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you… Let the Truth set YOU Free!