Transformed Into God’s Image

Transformed Into God’s Image

October 16, 2018

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

– 2 Corinthians 3:18


Did you know that as a believer in the Lord Jesus that you are being transformed into his image?  Yes!  You are!!  Isn’t that Exciting?!!  Jesus tore the veil of the law when he bore the cross for our sins.  The veil of the law once separated us from his glory, but now with unveiled faces we can freely step into the Holy of Holies by the infilling of the Holy Spirit!  By the Spirit of the Lord that lives inside of us, we are now able to behold the Awesome Glory of the Lord Almighty!  We do not have to wait to go to heaven to see his glory, we can see it Now… as in a mirror!  And the Splendorous image of his glory that we behold is what we are ever constantly being transformed into by the infilling of the Holy Spirit!  Now that is Absolutely Amazing!  It is Incredible to know that one day we will all be just as the Lord is in all of his glory… Yet what is Even Better is knowing that we can see what that looks like now through the Holy Spirit and it is Absolutely Breathtaking!