True Temple Of God

True Temple Of God

October 17, 2018

As he was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher!  What massive stones!  What magnificent buildings!”  “Do you see all these great buildings?” replied Jesus.  “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

– Mark 13:1-2


Back in Old Testament times the temple in Jerusalem was so intricately designed and built strictly according to God’s very own outline!  Daily sacrifices were made there by the Levitical priests to atone for sin!  Yet when one of Jesus’ disciples mentioned how marvelous the building was with all it’s massive stones, Jesus (Yeshua) did not seem as enthusiastic about it!  His response was, “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”  Wow!!  Jesus (Yeshua) was letting his disciples know Precisely what would happen to the temple in the future!  And today, as we know it, there remains no temple in Jerusalem!  There is no longer a temple for daily sacrifices to be performed in to atone for sin!  Jesus (Yeshua) could see that!  Yet the Holy Spirit allows us to know that there is a much deeper meaning to this passage of scripture in the Word of God!  So what more was Jesus (Yeshua) trying to reveal?  Jesus (Yeshua) was trying to reveal that there no longer needed to be a temple for daily sacrifices to atone for sin because he was the one and only sacrifice that atoned for All sin FOREVER!  On top of that, Jesus (Yeshua) was bringing to light the truth that no physical building made by human hands could ever contain him!  God does not live in temples made by human hands!  Now God lives within us through his Holy Spirit!  Believers in Jesus (Yeshua) who have God’s Holy Spirit living and dwelling on the inside of them are God’s temple!  Everything else in this world will get thrown down, but we will not, because we are the TRUE temple of God!