Walk In The Light

Walk In The Light

October 16, 2018

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

– 1 John 1:7


The Lord God is Light.  Anything apart from his light is darkness…  In this life we can choose what path we want to take.  We can either choose the path of light or the path of darkness.  Darkness is the exact opposite of Light, which means it is the exact opposite of the Lord God.  And according to scripture, we can know that what is exactly opposite of the Lord God is this world.  If we choose the path of darkness, then we are going to be chasing after things in this world (money, fame, popularity, rewards, recognition, authority, material possessions, pleasure, etc.).  If we choose the path of light, then we are going to be following Jesus in humility, constantly listening to what the Holy Spirit tells us and being obedient to what the Lord says for us to do for him.  The Lord God brings us out of darkness into his glorious light, which is his righteousness, not ours!  When we accept Jesus (God’s Son) into our hearts, we are inviting both God and Jesus to dwell within us through the Holy Spirit.  As we are filled up constantly with the Holy Spirit through speaking in tongues and being obedient to whatever the Holy Spirit tells us to do, over time our life will become less about us and more about the Lord and his glory, honor, and praise!  When we are filled up with the Holy Spirit (who is God), we have fellowship with everyone who has the Holy Spirit (God) in them.  As God’s children, we have the promise that the blood of Jesus now covers us and purifies us from all sin, but those who do not choose God do not have this promise of forgiveness of sins.  So choose the light!  Choose Jesus!  Accept this invaluable promise today and walk in the light, just as Jesus is in the light.