Warning: Blaspheming The Holy Spirit

Warning: Blaspheming The Holy Spirit

October 17, 2018

“I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them.  But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”

– Mark 3:28-29


Wow!  What a POWERFUL Warning spoken directly from Jesus (Yeshua) himself!!  Can we honestly read this scripture and take it lightly?!  I should hope not!  Yet there are Numerous people throughout the world who blaspheme the Holy Spirit everyday and they do not realize what they are doing!  Nowadays the Holy Spirit has been so maligned and twisted by modern society to the point that it is Absolutely unrecognizable!  People now think that if you say you are speaking in tongues through the Holy Spirit, then that means something bad instead of good!  Society has managed to flip the Holy Spirit entirely upside-down, labeling good things as bad and bad things as good!  But what many people in society do not understand is that is Complete blasphemy of the Holy Spirit!  And Jesus (Yeshua) Sharply Warned that whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will NEVER be forgiven because he is guilty of an Eternal sin!  WOW!!!  That means that people need to be EXTREMELY Careful in what they say about the Holy Spirit, because if they blaspheme the Holy Spirit, it is Absolutely Unforgivable!  But Why?  Why would Jesus (Yeshua) place so much emphasis on the Holy Spirit??  Because the Holy Spirit IS God’s Spirit!  And if we blaspheme the Holy Spirit, we are not just blaspheming the Holy Spirit, we are blaspheming God himself!  And that is Entirely Unforgivable!!  How can we hope to EVER get to heaven if we are blaspheming God?!!  God’s precious Holy Spirit is the Only way that any of us are going to make it to heaven!  The Word of God specifically says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, so who can?!  Only those who have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of them!  So we need to be Thankful and Honored to have God’s precious Holy Spirit because it IS our seal for the day of redemption!  It is our promise of heaven!  We need to Truly appreciate God’s Holy Spirit and have reverence for God because if we cannot appreciate what God has given in order to save us out of this world, then he will not save us!  God’s Spirit is ALIVE and dwelling within his people and if we do not have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us, then we are NOT God’s children!  This world can try to blaspheme the Holy Spirit all they want to, but Jesus (Yeshua) is Sharply Warning people that if they do this, they are blaspheming God and they will not inherit the Kingdom of God!