When Your Life Appears

When Your Life Appears

October 16, 2018

When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

– Colossians 3:4


Isn’t it Awesome to know that Jesus Christ IS Life?  In him, through him, and by him is everything Alive and living!  Yet, what is even more Awesome is that the Word of God says that Jesus Christ Is YOUR Life!  Yes!!  Jesus Christ becomes your life when you come to truly accept him into you heart.  When you truly accept Jesus into your heart you become Alive again because Jesus (who is Life) comes to dwell inside of You!  Even though Jesus is seated in heaven at the right hand of God the Father, he also comes to dwell within each one of his true believers through the Holy Spirit.  As true believers in Jesus, we have the hope that one day when Jesus (our life) appears to take us home to heaven in the Rapture, then we will also appear with him in glory!  And what a Glorious day that will be!!  Amen!