You Are My Hiding Place

You Are My Hiding Place

October 18, 2018

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

– Psalm 32:7


Do you know that you have a hiding place in Jesus (Yeshua)?!!  He is the one that you can Always run to!  He is the one who will hold you safely in his arms and protect you from all harm!  You can take refuge in him because you can fully trust him!  He is closer than a friend!  He is the one who you can share your most intimate thoughts and feelings with because he cares deeply for you!  You can rest in his arms!  You will Always be loved and accepted in Jesus (Yeshua)!  His loving arms are Wide Open for you!  He is not asking you to be anything else but who you Are!  All he is asking is for you to Seek him!  And when you Seek him, you will Find him!  One day he will surround you with songs of deliverance!  He will save you out of darkness and bring you into his marvelous light!  His radiant light will shine on you Forever in his glorious presence and then you will ever proclaim, “Jesus (Yeshua), you are my hiding place!”