For your Maker is your husband – the Lord Almighty is his name – the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. The Lord will call you back…a wife who married young… “I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you, says the Lord your Redeemer. To me this is like the days of Noah…yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”
-Isaiah 54:5
Patiently enduring these EXTREMELY hard Days of Noah one day to the next, we wait… We wait on the hope as God’s children filled up with his Holy Spirit that one GLORIOUS day we are literally going to Return to Zion (the city of the Living God) and behold Jesus (Yeshua) our Loving Savior face to face like a bride finally beholding her betrothed bridegroom! Just as Hosea 2:19 says, “I will betroth you to me FOREVER; I will betroth you in Righteousness and Justice, in LOVE and Compassion. I will betroth you in Faithfulness, and you will Acknowledge the Lord.” Furthermore, Isaiah 62:5 mentions how “As a young man marries a young woman, so will your Builder marry YOU; as a bridegroom Rejoices over his bride, so will your God Rejoice over YOU.” And what I personally LOVE about Isaiah 54:5 is that the Lord calls himself our husband and he Repeatedly calls himself our husband throughout scripture! Just as Hosea 2:16 says, “In that day, declares the Lord, you will call me ‘my husband,’ you will no longer call me ‘my master.’” Even Jeremiah 3:14 says, “…for I am your husband. I will choose you – one from a town and two from a clan – and bring you to Zion!” You see, for the LONGEST time I read those scriptures over and over again in God’s Word, but never took them personally. I never realized that the Lord is MY HUSBAND! And Oh how important it is to know the Lord is YOUR HUSBAND! One day the Lord opened my eyes to this Truth and it RADICALLY changed my life! It not only changed how I viewed the Lord as just a friend, but it altered the whole course of my life by showing me that I already have a husband so I don’t have to look for that anywhere else in anyone else and it helped me focus on drawing closer to him in Full-Hearted devotion! For in the words of John the Baptist, “The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him and is full of Joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That Joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become Greater; I must become less!” Indeed, it has to be the HIGHEST honor to be counted worthy to be rescued out of here in the Rapture to go straight from this life here on this earth to Everlasting Life in heaven with our husband, Jesus (Yeshua)! Life to Eternal Life and nothing else in between! And that is the hope that we have as God’s children filled up with his Precious Holy Spirit! We have a PROMISE! We have a Promised Rapture Redemption Day awaiting us when we are finally going to Return to Zion! And Guess What?!!!! It’s in 2024!
Ever since the Lord whispered “the day” of the Rapture in my ear as the 29th, I started consistently asking the Lord in prayer, “What Month and Year are we leaving in the Rapture?” Then on the night of May 21st, 2021, I heard the MOST AWESOME sentence I have ever heard since hearing the 29th! While I was fast asleep I heard these words like I was saying them to myself within my dream, “We are going (leaving) in 3 months or 3 and a half.” I woke up, repeated these words back to myself, and I instantly knew this had to be referring to the Rapture because it was the only thing that made sense! As soon as I got up in the morning, I wondered how many days were left till Elul 29, because I had seen this day on the calendar ahead of time, but did not know exactly how many days were left from my current date! So I went straight to my Jewish calendar and began counting from that day of May 22nd, 2021 forward and there were only 10 days left in the month of May! After that I flipped to the month of September and counted just 6 days up to Elul 29! Then when I added those days together it was 16 days which is approximately half a month! Finally, I counted how many months were left between May and September and there were 3 full months (June, July, and August)! And when I added these 3 months to the 16 days it was PRECISELY 3 and a half months left till Elul 29th, September 6th, 2021! The Lord was most definitely Pinpointing ELUL 29 as “the day” of the Rapture!
Elul 29th, September 6th, 2021 came and went and I couldn’t understand why the Lord pinpointed this day! All I knew was that Elul 29th was significant because the Lord told me the 29th was “the day” of the Rapture, but I still couldn’t quite understand! Why Elul 29th?!! I poured out my heart to the Lord about it and told him that there were Absolutely no other 29th’s left on the Julian calendar during the Feast Days of the Lord! I mulled over this for days, pleading for the Lord to reveal the exact Month, Day, and Year of the Rapture to me! Then one day all of a sudden a light bulb turned on! I thought to myself, wait a minute! The reason why there are no more 29th’s left on the Julian calendar during the Feast Days of the Lord is because I am not looking on the right calendar! Snatching up a piece of white printer paper, I was determined to quickly jot down every Elul 29th on the Jewish calendar within the upcoming 8 years as well as where it specifically lands on the Julian calendar considering that the Lord was clearly pinpointing Elul 29th! So I began my online search! I started with 2022

and scrolled down to Elul 29 and to my amazement, it landed right on Rosh Hashanah! I thought, WOW!!! That’s another possibility for the Rapture! Next, I flipped to 2023

and scrolled down to Elul 29 and it landed right on Rosh Hashanah again! I thought, Oh my!!! There’s another potential day for the Rapture! What are the odds of that?!! So I flipped to 2024

and scrolled down to Elul 29 and it landed right on Rosh Hashanah again! All of a sudden another light bulb turned on and I started laughing wide open at myself! I finally realized that Elul 29th ALWAYS lands on Rosh Hashanah EVERY single year! No wonder the Lord was highlighting Elul 29th so boldly! I laid down on my bed with my piece of white paper next to me and prayed, “Lord, the 29th lands on every Rosh Hashanah! So there is no way that I can figure out on my own when the day of the Rapture is going to be! You’re just going to have to reveal it to me… You’re just going to have to reveal the exact month, day, and year that the Rapture is going to happen!”
The next day, my dog Spencer stepped on my piece of white paper that I wrote all the Elul 29th dates on and it split my paper a little bit so I decided to get some tape to patch it up and I laid it on my bed. Three days later on September 15th, 2021, as I was laying on my bed, I asked the Lord in prayer to reveal the exact month, day, and year that we are leaving in the Rapture on our Julian calendar! I dozed off to sleep and I saw a hand clearly drawing out the number 7! Right after that the Lord popped the word 2024 in my mind like someone saying it right as my alarm clock started to sound and I opened my eyes! I laid there for a minute, wondering if the Lord really just revealed to me the year of the Rapture! I reached over to grab my paper of Elul 29th dates

and I was ASTOUNDED! On the back side of my paper I had written a whole bunch of circled numbers with dates underneath them sideways down the paper in bright pink marker

and guess what number my paper split right through?!!!

The number 7! That was the EXACT SAME number I just saw being drawn out in my closed vision I had while I was asleep! And what is interesting is that my paper did NOT split through the year 2023 that was written right underneath the number 7! The year 2023 was completely dodged! But that’s not all Folks! I flipped my paper over on the front side where I had written down all the Elul 29th dates vertically down my paper with lines separating each year and guess which year my paper split through?

The year 2024! And that is the PRECISE year that had just popped into my mind like someone saying it right when my alarm clock went off and I woke up! WOAH!!! Come on now! This is MONUMENTAL! So far these are the CLEAREST confirmations that the Lord has given me back-to-back revealing the EXACT year of the Rapture and HANDS DOWN it is 2024!!!
This GIGANTIC revelation from the Lord reminded me of the Great American Solar Eclipse

that crossed over North America on August 21, 2017! And what is significant is that same year on the 1st day of 2017 is when the Lord showed up in my room Urgently letting me know through his precious Holy Spirit that he was coming! Now what are the odds that the Lord would give an ENORMOUS sign in the heavens the VERY SAME year he showed up in my room to warn me of his coming?!! Slim to None!! Even the Lord said in Genesis 1:14 that the lights in the heavens such as the sun, moon, and stars were created to serve as SIGNS, seasons, days and years! In that case, a total solar eclipse is Most Definitely a WARNING SIGN in the heavens signifying something BIG to come in the near future! But that’s not all Folks! There is another Great American Solar Eclipse that is to come with a trajectory crossing the first one that is projected to work its way across Mexico, United States, and Canada and guess when it is supposed to happen??? April 8th, 2024! WOAH!!! Come on!! The year 2024 again! So here we see another MAJOR SIGN coming in the heavens in 2024 which is exactly 7 years after the first one in 2017! Indeed, it is as if the Lord is taking a Giant highlighter and outlining a 7 year time span from 2017 to 2024! Now that is SUPER significant because the Lord always works in 7’s, even in His Word! And if we think about it, Genesis 29:15 talks about how Jacob worked 7 years for Laban in order to receive Rachel in marriage, but he was given the eldest daughter Leah instead! Then Laban told Jacob he would have to work for him another 7 years to obtain the youngest daughter Rachel! So here we see two 7’s back-to-back! In Genesis chapters 41-42 we read about how the Lord eventually brought Joseph into a position as the right hand man of the king by revealing the king’s dreams to Joseph saying to prepare by storing back food and grain for 7 years because there was going to come another 7 years where he would have to use it! Not only did Joseph have to use the food and grain he stored back for 7 years to help families, but he later realized that the Lord brought him into that position at that very time in order to do this to save his own family who came to him in need and Joseph was able to give them an abundance of food! WOW! Another scripture with two 7 years back-to-back! Could the Lord be outlining these 7 years from 2017 to 2024 with Warning Signs in the heavens to prepare us not just for the Rapture in 2024, but also for the later 7 year Tribulation to follow?!! I surely believe so!
Surprisingly, around this same time the Lord gave me a HUGE Revelation in his Word confirming the Feast Day of the Lord where the Rapture is to take place! I flipped open my notebook of favorite scriptures to Psalm 47:5 that says, “God has ascended amid shouts of joy, the Lord amid the sounding of trumpets.” Immediately, I thought about how Jesus (Yeshua) indefinitely ascended on the Feast of Firstfruits, which is the last Spring Feast Day of the Lord before Pentecost when he sent down his Holy Spirit like tongues upon his disciples. The feast of Firstfruits was where the Israelites took the first grain harvested and offered it up to God as a wave offering. In the same way, Jesus (Yeshua) is symbolic of the first grain harvested that was offered up to God when he ascended to heaven on Firstfruits because he called himself “the bread of life” and he was also born in Bethlehem, which in Hebrew is BetLechem – meaning “house of bread.” Thus, Jesus (Yeshua) was the bread of life born in the house of bread and offered up to God on Firstfruits as the first grain harvested when he ascended to heaven before the Church body of Christ is to ascend in the coming Rapture! Oh Thank You Jesus (Yeshua)! Yet notice that this scripture says that the Lord has ascended amid the sounding of trumpets, not amid the waving of grain! Even when you read Leviticus chapter 23, there are NO sounding of trumpets on the Feast of Firstfruits! The ONLY Feast Day of the Lord where more than one trumpet is sounded is on The Feast of Trumpets! This suggests that there is going to be a second time when the Lord is going to ascend from the earth and that is on Rapture Redemption Day because he is now dwelling on the inside of his Holy Spirit-filled believers. And this time his Holy Spirit-filled believers are going to ascend to heaven with Jesus (Yeshua) on the inside of them amid the sounding of trumpets on The Feast of Trumpets! Oh Hallelujah! Indeed, what is exciting is that The Feast of Trumpets is usually celebrated during the Jewish Civil New Year known as Rosh Hashanah! Oh Praise You Jesus (Yeshua) for hiding this REMARKABLE scripture in your Word for your children to find so that they can know the right Feast Day of the Lord when the Rapture is to happen and so they can make 100 percent sure they are filled up with your precious Holy Spirit and sealed for Rapture Redemption Day! Hallelujah!!
If all these EXTRAORDINARY confirmations of the Rapture were not enough, the Lord gave me EVEN MORE and this one is EPIC! In the early morning on October 12, 2022, I dreamt that I was exclaiming to everyone I saw, “Eight! Two! Ten!” After that, I saw myself standing in a parking lot and from a distance I could see a fellow I grew up with as if he was a young boy standing in front of his old house and I shouted out at him, “Eight! Two! Ten!” I woke up and instantly knew that this dream was a significant dream from the Lord! God’s Holy Spirit within me had me know that these numbers were revealing something deeper about the date of the Rapture! I knew the Lord had revealed the number 29 when he whispered “the day” of the Rapture in my ear, but NOW the Lord was revealing something more about the date of the Rapture with the numbers 8, 2, and 10! Immediately, I scrambled for my paper of Elul 29th dates to see which date on our Julian calendar aligned with the numbers 29, 8, 2, and 10! Starting at the top of the list with the year 2022,

Elul 29th landed on September 25th. So I wrote out all the possible numbers dealing with this date and they were: 29 – for Elul 29th, 9 – the Julian calendar number for our month of September, 7 – the number the month of September should be on the Julian calendar since “sept” means 7, and 25 – the day on the Julian calendar. All these numbers together were: 29, 9, 7, and 25! That didn’t match 29, 8, 2, and 10 so I put an x mark beside it and moved on! Next on the list was Elul 29th, September 15th, 2023,

so I jotted down all the possible numbers dealing with this date and they were: 29 – for Elul 29th, 9 – the Julian calendar number for our month of September, 7 – the number the month of September should be on the Julian calendar since “sept” means 7, and 15 – the day on the Julian calendar. All these numbers together were: 29, 9, 7, and 15! Those numbers didn’t match 29, 8, 2, and 10 so I put an x mark beside it and moved on! Subsequently on the list was Elul 29th, October 2nd, 2024,

so I wrote down all the possible numbers dealing with this date and they were: 29 – for Elul 29th, 10 – the Julian calendar number for our month of October, 8 – the number the month of October should be on the Julian calendar since “oct” like “octagon” means 8, and 2 – the day on the Julian calendar. All these numbers together were: 29, 10, 8, and 2! These numbers PRECISELY matched 29, 8, 2, and 10! When I saw this I could hardly hold in my ELATION!!!! I started JUMPING and SHOUTING for JOY that the Lord had just revealed to me the EXACT month, day, and year of the Rapture on the Julian calendar TO A TEE! Elul 29th, October 2nd, 2024 has to be our Rapture Redemption Day! WOOOHOO!!! Praise You Jesus (Yeshua)!!! We’re just about OUTTA HERE Folks! Are You Rapture Ready?!!!
It is no coincidence that a few years ago I started telling my twin sister Cassandra all the time that the Lord would speak to me on 8’s and 2’s! Now I realize it is because the Rapture is on October 2nd, 2024! Our October, like an ‘octagon’ with 8 sides, should really be an 8 on the Julian calendar instead of a 10 and the number 2 is the day of the Rapture on the Julian calendar! I started taking notice that the days the Lord would speak to me the most were on days where the month was either an 8 or a 2 or really should have been an 8 or a 2 on the Julian calendar, the day had an 8 or a 2 or both in it, or the year had an 8 or a 2 in it! Yet, what is even more AMAZING is going back to the words in my dream, “We are going (leaving) in 3 months or 3 and a half.” I had originally thought that 3 months or 3 & ½ meant 3 or 3 & ½ months which led me to Elul 29th! So that was a good thing! And I believe the Lord planned it that way to point me to Elul 29th! However, I finally understand why I heard 3 “months,” but nothing after 3 & ½! It is because I had been praying for the Lord to reveal the Month and the Year of the Rapture and the Lord specifically revealed “3 Months,” but what about “Years”? This proves that the Lord was not trying to say we are leaving in 3 & ½ months, but in 3 & ½ years! And October 2nd, 2024 is approximately 3 & ½ years from May 21st, 2021! WOAH!!! Now it all makes sense to me and it feels like fitting the last and final puzzle piece into the BIGGEST Rapture puzzle! Hallelujah!!! That’s just how the Lord speaks to me! He speaks to me in numbers that I know sometimes stand for months, days, years, or even time. Yet, the Lord speaks to me in A LOT more ways than that!
A HUGE way the Lord speaks to me is through his Word! And one morning I felt led to read as many scriptures as I could find about the Rapture! I started reading Isaiah 46:3 where the Lord is talking to the remnant of his people Israel saying, “Listen to me, you descendants of Jacob, all the Remnant of the people of Israel, you whom I have upheld since your Birth and have carried since you were Born. Even to your old age…I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will Rescue you!” So there is a Remnant of God’s people filled up with his Holy Spirit whom the Lord is going to keep alive here on this earth till they are Rescued out in the Rapture! Even Isaiah 66:7 says, “Before she goes into labor, she gives Birth…she delivers a son. Who has ever seen such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be Born in a day or a nation brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery? Says the Lord…Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her, rejoice greatly with her.” Here we see Zion (the city of the Living God) giving Birth to her children (those born again in God’s Holy Spirit) in the Rapture before the Tribulation labor comes! And the Lord is Promising his people deliverance! Furthermore, we read in Isaiah 27:12 that “In that day the Lord will thresh from the flowing Euphrates to the Wadi of Egypt, and you, Israel, will be Gathered up one by one. And in that day a great trumpet will sound…those from Assyria and Egypt will come and worship the Lord on the holy mountain in Jerusalem.” This scripture is a literal picture of the Rapture taking place where God’s people filled up with his Holy Spirit are going to be gathered up at the sound of a great trumpet to worship the lord on the holy mountain in the heavenly Jerusalem known as Mount Zion! In conclusion, Isaiah 35:8 says, “And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way… But only the Redeemed will walk there, and those the Lord has Rescued will Return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them.” Here we see that this Redeemed Remnant of God’s people are going to be Rescued out of this world to Return to Zion on the Highway of Holiness and they will be filled with SUPER Abundant JOY! Oh Hallelujah!! As I read through all these scriptures, the Lord revealed that the Rapture is not only a Redemption of the remnant of his people filled up with his Holy Spirit, but it is a Gathering, a Returning, a Birthing, a Delivery/Deliverance, a Saving, and a RESCUE! Even the prophetic book of Revelations which talks about all things to come in the near future mentions the GREATEST sign in the heavens where a pregnant woman is giving birth to a male child who is snatched up to heaven to God’s throne out of the way of something trying to get it! Now that is the BIGGEST picture of the Rapture mentioned in the Word of God that appeared in the heavens on September 23rd, 2017 which is to be fulfilled Extremely Soon and it is a picture of a Redemption, a Gathering, a Returning, a Birthing, a Delivery/Deliverance, a Saving, and a literal RESCUE from something! All those things are completely opposite from the Resurrection that is to happen on The Last Day after the Tribulation when the Lord comes back to earth on the clouds with those on white horses whom he is to Rapture up to heaven before the Tribulation! Indeed, on The Last Day there will be no Rescue from anything because it is past the Tribulation! Those who are here on this earth at the end of the Tribulation and those who are resurrected on The Last Day are going to meet the Lord in the air, so they are not going to be leaving this earth to be delivered somewhere else! In fact, they are going to be sticking around to rule and reign with the Lord on the earth for a thousand years! This proves that there are two distinguishing events that are to take place before and after the Tribulation! A Redemption Day before and a Resurrection Day after! And as the Bride of Christ, filled up with God’s Holy Spirit, we will not have to endure the Tribulation because we have a Promised escape route to heaven through Jesus (Yeshua) on Rapture Redemption Day!! Our RESCUE is on the way!! Amen Hallelujah!
Another EXCITING way the Lord has been speaking to me a lot here lately is by popping names, words, or sentences into my mind. At first I didn’t know for sure if it was just me thinking these things or if it was the Lord, but one day I realized it was Most Definitely the Lord! Early in the morning on March 15, 2022, I was in my room praying to the Lord and I got up from my bed to walk to my mirror and the words, “He’s at Awake” popped into my mind. I got to my mirror and asked, “Lord, who is at Awake? The only place I know called Awake is Awake church!” I got really quiet to listen if the Lord would tell me who was at Awake but I didn’t hear him say anything after that, so I pushed it to the back of my mind. Then later that evening, I was sitting on the living room couch and overheard my Mom in the other room talking to my Aunt on the phone because they had just signed up for a CPR class together the day before. Mom said, “Yeah, did you get the email that the instructor sent us? He said he had to move the class to another location. Now he is going to be at Awake church.” Instantly, the Lord reminded me by his Holy Spirit what he just told me that morning! He’s at Awake! And I exclaimed, “WOAH!!! Thank you Jesus (Yeshua)! I knew something about this CPR class had to be significant because the Lord let me know this information and when I told my twin sister Cassandra about it, she said she wanted to sign up for the CPR class too! The class was already full but the instructor was Super nice and let Cassandra in at the last minute! Finally, on the day of the class, Cassandra rode to Awake church with my Mom and Aunt and she overheard the instructor boldly talking about the Holy Spirit to some young men on the way up the stairs to the classroom! Then after the class began, the instructor told the whole class about how the Lord had completely healed him physically from something major! Immediately, Cassandra raised her hands and exclaimed, “Praise you Jesus!!!” After the class ended, Cassandra went up to talk to the instructor and she told him that he had an INCREDIBLE testimony and that he needed to continue to tell people the Truth about God’s Holy Spirit! The instructor told Cassandra that he could tell that she was from a believing family! When Cassandra told me all this I was SO HAPPY!!! I knew the reason why the Lord told me about this CPR class was because the instructor was telling people the Truth about God’s Holy Spirit and sharing his Life-Changing testimony! What a ministry!! And it is an honor to find a brother in the Lord! Oh Thank You Lord Jesus (Yeshua) for your GREAT LOVE and MERCY upon us all!! And Thank You for your Precious Holy Spirit that still heals us and saves hearts and lives every moment of every day! The Lord is my Heart Saver! To Him Be The Glory!! Amen!
Yet the MOST OUTSTANDING way the Lord has been speaking to me here lately occurred either on the late night of June 8th, 2022 or the early morning of June 9th, 2022! I had been pouring out my heart to the Lord for several days telling him how he is going to have to Rapture us out of here fast because everything has gotten EXTREMELY hard physically, financially, and with relationships due to all that has been going on in this world! I told the Lord that I couldn’t stand having to wear a facemask anymore even though I know it is important to wear one! And as a result of everything going on in this world, people have had to wear facemasks which has made it so much harder to minister to anybody!! On top of that, people flat out don’t want to listen to the Truth anymore and they will come right back at you if you say one word to them! Indeed, it is evident that the Love has waxed so cold just as the Word of God says the end times are going to be! I told the Lord that things are NOT like they used to be and that these times are unlike ANY times I have ever witnessed in my life! Even back when all this stuff in the world started in March or April 2020 it was as if the Lord was setting off an alarm clock inside me saying “Time’s up! Now the countdown begins!” That’s how I know the Rapture is nigh at hand! And before I went to sleep on the night of June 8th, 2022, I prayed for the Lord to speak to me LOUDER than anything else in this world! Hours later while I was fast asleep I heard the audible voice of the Lord speaking SO LOUDLY on the inside of me that it reverberated within me, saying, “And We All, Who With Unveiled Faces Reflect The Lord’s Glory, Are Being TRANSFORMED Into His Image With Ever-Increasing Glory, Which Comes From The Lord, Who Is The Spirit!!!!” The Lord’s voice I heard on the inside of me was SO LOUD that as soon as I heard the word TRANSFORMED it was like a SHOUT and it about woke me right up out of sleep! Instantly, I sat up in AWE!!! The Lord had just audibly spoke to me LOUDLY on the inside just like I asked him in prayer to do! This proved to me 100 percent that the Lord Most Definitely lives on the inside of me through his precious Holy Spirit and no one can tell me any different! I could hardly contain what the Lord had just done! I knew I was going to have to tell my twin sister about this! As soon as I got up the next morning, I immediately told my twin sister Cassandra about how the Lord audibly spoke within me LOUDLY quoting 2 Corinthians 3:17 and when he got to the word TRANSFORMED it was SO LOUD that it was like a SHOUT that about woke me up straight out of sleep! Cassandra was Absolutely ELATED!!! Then she said that she believed the Lord was quoting this scripture to me because he knew ahead of time EXACTLY what we are going through right now in this world during the end times with having to wear facemasks and the Lord is saying, we all who with “Unveiled” faces are going to be TRANSFORMED into his likeness EXTREMELY SOON on Rapture Redemption Day! Oh Hallelujah! Now that is Truly going to be our day of FREEDOM! Amen! Oh thank you Lord for speaking this inside me through your POWERFUL Holy Spirit! I LOVE YOU Lord Jesus (Yeshua)!!!
After several years of not writing anything about the Rapture, I eventually got to a place where I was not hearing from the Lord nearly as much as I used to and I yearned to hear from him again! I would constantly tell the Lord in prayer how I longed to hear him speak to me again and to please give me dreams, visions, encounters, revelations, speak to me audibly, or speak to me any way possible about anything and everything! Every time I flipped opened my notebook of favorite scriptures it landed on the same page and the Lord would have me look straight at Luke 6:47 which read, “As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock.” Then the Lord would lead me to Matthew 7:24 which says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” The Lord spoke to me so much through these scriptures and helped me realize that whatever he has audibly spoken to me, I need to put that into practice! I prayed to the Lord and said, “Lord, the only way I know to put all these things that you have audibly spoken to me into practice is by writing about it and getting it out to as many people as possible! If this is what you want me to do for you and your glory, then you are going to have to give me the ability to do it because I want to build my house on THE ROCK and that rock is YOU!” As I continued to flip through my notebook of favorite scriptures, I came to Philippians 4:9 that reads, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it to practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” This scripture spoke to me again! Yet this time the Lord was confirming not just to put into practice whatever he has audibly spoken to me, but also to put into practice whatever I have learned, received, or seen in him through his Holy Spirit! Amen! Suddenly, the Lord reminded me of how he audibly whispered “the 29th” in my ear letting me know the EXACT “day” of the Rapture which is PRECISELY what Matthew 10:27 says, “What I tell you at night speak in the day; what is whispered in your ear, SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!” Oh Hallelujah!!! This confirmed to me Even More that all the Lord has revealed to me I need to be SHOUTING FROM THE ROOFTOPS! Indeed, Matthew 13:16 says, “But blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear. For many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.” You see, even the prophets who wrote the scriptures and all the righteous people since then had their hearts set on heaven, not building their kingdom here! They knew this world was not their home and they were set on getting out of here! You know they had to of DREAMED to see the things that the Lord is revealing to his people NOW about the Rapture!! So it is certainly an honor to hear the Lord speak at all, especially about the Rapture! Furthermore, Luke 8:17 says, “For there is nothing that is hidden that will not be disclosed and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” This scripture proves that one way or another, the Lord is going to reveal things to his children! Whatever is hidden, he is going to uncover it! There is a hidden Rapture Redemption Day and guess what?!! The Lord is going to reveal when it is to his children so they can know ahead of time and be prepared! WOOHOO! Now that is Truly the Lord’s heart for us all! Oh Thank You Lord Jesus (Yeshua)!!!
All these scriptures the Lord led me to, lifted me up so much and encouraged me to keep writing about the Rapture so I can continue to hear him speak to me LOUDLY! And I want YOU to hear the Lord speak LOUDLY too! The Lord LOVES Everyone and has FREELY made a way for everyone to get to him through his precious Holy Spirit! Now I want to Teach God’s Children by giving you the points and steps that no one gave to me to make 100 percent sure that you are filled up with God’s Holy Spirit and sealed for Rapture Redemption Day! Here are Scripture-based points about God’s Holy Spirit and why everyone needs him as well as the steps on how to receive and know for certain you are filled up with God’s Holy Spirit…
The Holy Spirit is:
- God’s Spirit – Isaiah 63:11, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 4:23, Psalm139:7, Nehemiah 9:20
- Jesus Yeshua’s Spirit (God’s Son) – Galations 4:6
- The TRUTH – John 14:15, John 15:26, John 16:13, 1 John 5:6
- Faith – 2 Corinthians 4:13
- A Gift from God – Acts 2:38
- The LIVING Water – John 7:37
- Your Counselor / Advocate – John 16:7, John 15:26, John 14:26
- A Sevenfold Spirit – Revelation 5:6
Why Having God’s Holy Spirit is Important:
- Gives LIFE & is Your life – 2 Corinthians 3:6, John 6:63, Job 33:4
- SAVES You! – Titus 3:4
- Proof Jesus (Yeshua) & God lives in you. You belong to Jesus (Yeshua). – 1 John 4:13, 1 Corinthians 6:17, Romans 8:9
- Access to God the Father – Ephesians 2:18
- God’s Seal of Ownership – 2 Corinthians 1:21, Ephesians 1:13
- Adoption to Sonship – Romans 8:15, Romans 8:23
- Deposit Guaranteeing your Inheritance – Ephesians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 1:21, 2 Corinthians 5:5
- Your ReBIRTH & ReNEWal (sanctification) – 2 Thessalonians 2:13, Titus 3:4, Romans 15:16, 1 Corinthians 6:11, John 3:3, John 3:5
- Promised Rapture Redemption – Romans 8:23, 2 Corinthians 5:5, 2 Corinthians 1:21, Ephesians 1:13
- Guaranteed Heaven Seal – John 3:3, John 3:5
How To Receive God’s Holy Spirit:
- True Heart Repentance & Baptism (full submerging in water) – Acts 2:38, Luke 3:21, Mark 1:9
- Ask the Lord in prayer to baptize you in his Holy Spirit (to infill you with his Holy Spirit) – Luke 11:12, John 1:32, Luke 3:21, Mark 1:7, Matthew 3:11
- Jesus (Yeshua) will ask God the Father to send you the Holy Spirit – John 14:15
- God & Jesus (Yeshua) will send (pour out) the Holy Spirit into your heart, baptizing you in the Holy Spirit and you will feel it – Galations 4:6, 2 Corinthians 1:21, John 16:7, John 15:26, John 20:21, Romans 5:5
- Most people being infilled with (baptized in) God’s Holy Spirit experience a feeling like someone outpouring a liquid anointing on their head or a Huge uncontrollable belly laugh!
- God will give you the Holy Spirit without limit! – John 3:33
- Jesus (Yeshua) will also baptize you with the 3rd baptism!! – Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:7, John 1:32, Luke 3:16
Proof That God’s Holy Spirit Lives In You:
- God & Jesus (Yeshua) will send (pour out) the Holy Spirit into your heart, baptizing you in the Holy Spirit and you will feel it – Galations 4:6, 2 Corinthians 1:21, John 16:7, John 15:26, John 20:21, Romans 5:5
- Most people being infilled with (baptized in) God’s Holy Spirit experience a feeling like someone outpouring a liquid anointing on their head or a Huge uncontrollable belly laugh!
- The Lord will give you Gifts of the Holy Spirit (such as speaking in tongues, etc.) – Hebrews 2:4, 1 Corinthians 12:7, 1 Corinthians 12:4, Luke 1:67, Joel 2:28, 1 Samuel 10:6, 1 Samuel 10:10, 1 Samuel 19:23, Numbers 11:25, Numbers 11:26
- The Lord will start speaking to you either audibly or through dreams, visions, encounters, revelations, etc. – Joel 2:28, Daniel 7:13, Genesis 41, Acts 9:3
- Bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit (1ove, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, forgiveness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) – Galations 5:22, Colossians 3:12
- Love the Lord with all your heart, Love His Word, Live According to His Word, and Follow what the Lord reveals for you to do for him through His Holy Spirit – John 14:15
What God’s Holy Spirit Will Do:
- Come upon (rest upon or be poured out on) you in Power & move you to do things for the Lord – Isaiah 59:21, Isaiah 44:3, Isaiah 32:15, Joel 2:28, 2 Chronicles 15:1, Luke 1:67, 2 Chronicles 20:14, 2 Chronicles 24:20, 1 Chronicles 12:18, 1 Samuel 10:6, 1 Samuel 16:13, 1 Samuel 10:10, 1 Samuel 16:13, 1 Samuel 19:23, Judges 3:10, Judges 6:34, Judges 11:29, Judges 13:25, Judges 15:14, Numbers 11:17, Numbers 11:25, Numbers 11:26
- Speak through you!! – Mark 13:10, Isaiah 59:21, 2 Samuel 23:2
- Remind you of God’s Word – John 14:26, Isaiah 59:21
- Prompt you to speak God’s Word – 2 Samuel 23:2
- Teach you ALL things – John 14:26, Nehemiah 9:20
- Teach you to do God’s will – Psalm 143:10
- Guide you into all Truth – John 16:13
- Will Always Lead you in the right way on everything – on level ground – Psalm 143:10
- Will Testify about Jesus (Yeshua) – John 15:26
- Reveal plans the Lord has for you to do for Him and His glory – 1 Chronicles 28:12
What We Are Encouraged To Do With God’s Holy Spirit:
- Stay in God’s love by praying in the Holy Spirit (tongues) – Jude 1:20
- Pray in the Holy Spirit (tongues) on all occasions – Ephesians 6:18
- Spend time with the Lord in a quiet place & Hear God Speak to you – John 16:13
- Keep the Lord’s commands (The Word of God) – John 14:15
- Be filled with God’s Holy Spirit: let the peace of Jesus (Yeshua) rule in your hearts; sing & make music in your heart to God; speak to one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Holy Spirit; and always give thanks to God the Father for everything in Jesus (Yeshua’s) name – Ephesians 5:18, Colossians 3:15, Luke 1:67
- Worship the Lord in the Holy Spirit and in Truth – John 4:23
- Be led by God’s Holy Spirit into All TRUTH – John 16:13, Galations 5:18, Romans 8:14
- Walk in step with God’s Holy Spirit, not like the world – Galations 5:16, Galations 5:25
- Walk by Faith (God’s Holy Spirit), not by sight – 2 Corinthians 5:7
- Sow to please God’s Holy Spirit & reap eternal life – Galations 6:7
- Honor God with your body: You are Owned by God, The temple of God’s Holy Spirit, Bought at a Price, which means you are EXTREMELY VALUABLE! A Rare Jewel in the Lord’s crown! – 1 Corinthians 6:19, Romans 12:1
- Get ROOTED, Established, & Grow in God’s Love through Faith – Ephesians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 4:13
- Be Transformed by God’s Holy Spirit into the Lord’s likeness – 2 Corinthians 3:18
- Make disciples of ALL nations: You are commissioned to baptize in the name of God the Father, Jesus (Yeshua), and God’s Holy Spirit!
- Teaching everyone to obey the Lord’s commands! – Matthew 28:18
Benefits of Having God’s Holy Spirit Living Inside You:
- You are now Jewish inwardly – You belong to God & are born of God. God’s children, God’s family. – Romans 2:28, Romans 8:14, Romans 8:15, John 8:47, John 1:12
- You Are Now God’s temple! – 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 2:22
- Known by God – 1 Corinthians 8:3
- Hear what God says – John 8:47
- Have the mind of Christ – know the thoughts of God – 1 Corinthians 2:10, 1 Corinthians 2:15, 1 Corinthians 2:11
- Have GOD’s POWER living in you through his Holy Spirit – Romans 15:18, Micah 3:8
- Ambassadors of God – 2 Corinthians 5:20
- FREEDOM to be the church everywhere – constantly led by God’s Holy Spirit – 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 8:36
- Know what is yet to come! – John 16:13
- Can discern if someone has the Spirit of Truth (God’s Holy Spirit) or not – 1 John 4:6
- Shielded by GOD’s POWER till Rapture Redemption Day! – 1 Peter 1:4
- Overcome the World! – 1 John 5:4
Miraculous Things God Can Do Through His Holy Spirit:
- Literally transport you somewhere else on earth or up to heaven – 2 Kings 2:16, 1 Kings 18:12, Revelation 4:1, Revelation 21:10
- Change you into a different person – 1 Samuel 10:6
- Transfer His Holy Spirit from one person to another – Numbers 11:17, Numbers 11:25
My dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus (Yeshua), THE RAPTURE IS HERE!!! This is URGENT!!! If there has EVER been any time to be ready for the Rapture it is NOW!!! I’ve been warning people since 2017 to be ready for the Rapture and I’m telling you, THIS IS IT!!! You NEED to know TODAY that you have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of you!!! PLEASE, I’m begging you with all my heart, PLEASE DO ALL YOU CAN to make 100 percent sure that you, your family, loved ones, plus everyone around you have been baptized (submerged) in water, have asked the Lord in prayer to receive his Holy Spirit, have been baptized (infilled) with God’s precious Holy Spirit TODAY along with the Evidence of either a feeling of a liquid anointing being out-poured on your head or a huge uncontrollable belly laugh as well as hearing the Lord audibly speak to you! On top of that, the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues is another evidence of the Lord living inside you and it is a FREE gift of the Holy Spirit that EVERYONE NEEDS because it is your direct line of communication with God the Father and Jesus (Yeshua)… That’s how important it is! And God’s Holy Spirit is your 100 percent proof of purchase “guaranteed heaven” seal for Rapture Redemption day! You NEED TO KNOW NOW that you have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of you by the gifts of the Holy Spirit – such as speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians chapter 12)! Just confessing with your mouth that you believe in Jesus is NOT enough to save you! Romans 8:9 specifically states that you MUST have God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within you in order to belong to God!! Even Titus 3:4 mentions how we are Truly SAVED by the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit! And Jesus himself put it plainly in John 3:3 saying, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again!” ‘Born again’ means spiritually birthed through God’s Holy Spirit! More specifically, Jesus said in John 3:5, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit!” Furthermore, Romans 8:14 says that you MUST be led by the Spirit of God to be Sons of God! Constantly being led by God’s Spirit is a much Deeper walk with the Lord that he wants Everyone to experience so you can be called sons and daughters of the Most High! So Please take this EXTREMELY slim window of time you have left and do everything You Can to Guarantee you are Sealed by God’s Holy Spirit for Rapture Redemption day! And Please Share this with as many people as possible because there are still way too many people out there who have not accepted Jesus (Yeshua) into their hearts and need to know the Infinitely Pure Radical Love of the Lord for them that is more than anything anyone could ever imagine! I Love You All in the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) and I can’t wait to JUMP, SHOUT, DO CARTWHEELS, and PRAISE the Lord in Victory with all of you in heaven as we RETURN TO ZION on this RAPTURE 2024!!! 😀
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with LAUGHTER, our tongues with Songs of Joy! Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done Great things for them.” The Lord has done Great things for us and we are filled with JOY! Restore our fortunes Lord, like streams in the Negev.
-Psalm 126:1-3