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On August 1, 2017 a technology company in Wisconsin began microchipping employees, just to simply log-in to their computers, use the copy machines, and buy things from their vending machines. The company hosted a ‘chip party’ where employees who wanted the rice-sized RFID (radio frequency identification) microchip implanted in their hand had to pay out $300 to receive it (nobody forced them to take it –it was taken willingly). The RFID microchip was then injected under their skin using an injection needle between the index finger and the thumb. This was reported LIVE on the Today show where a reporter was sent there during their ‘chip’ party, heightening the appeal to viewers all across the world by drastically playing down what the Bible clearly states to be known to most believers as: the mark of the beast – mentioned of in the prophetic last book of the Bible, Revelations. The Wisconsin company also created similar technology, such as chips identifying pets as well as contactless credit cards. Additionally, the CEO of the company said that the RFID microchip would become standardized (in other words- adopted uniformly, normalized, or required as a set standard) so that you can use it for a passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.

The problem with all of this is that people are viewing this RFID microchip as the “next-level” technology and the mainstream news is not helping because they are popularizing the RFID microchip as the newest trend, which just makes everyone who watches want to jump on-board without a second thought. However, what most people fail to realize is that this RFID microchip was prophesied in the Bible 2,000 years ago and what the book of Revelations reveals about it should make everyone avoid it like the plague. This RFID microchip IS in fact THE mark of the beast, which if taken, will cause you to be thrown into hell and this is how I know for sure…

First, we must examine the Bible scriptures starting at Revelation 13:11 and reading to verse 18, it says:

“ And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Six hundred threescore and six means: 666, because ‘threescore’ denotes the number 60. So if we start at the beginning and add these numbers up, we first have 600, then ‘threescore’ (meaning 60), then 6 added on. So if we add these numbers together we get: 666, where the number 6 is the number of man and the triple 6 means complete, so this means completely man. But we must remember that man alone is imperfect and is nothing without the Lord Jesus (Yeshua HaMashiach).

Now many people when reading this scripture from the Bible might think that the Beast is the one who will force people to receive the mark and this mark will not show up or be implemented before people are actually ‘forced’ to take it. But remember what the CEO of the Wisconsin company said… He said that the RFID microchip will become ‘standardized’, which means that there will come a time when it will be uniformly used around the world as a means to buy and sell.

HELLO!!! We have to WAKE UP and stop being naïve!!! He is basically saying that this will be enforced in society as the main source of identification and currency!

Additionally, this RFID microchip has been used for a number of years already to track and identify cattle and dogs! Now my question to you is: who on earth would need to track where I am 24-7? I’ll tell you who it is!!! The government!!!! If you didn’t already know this, you are already being tracked through your cell phones! YES!!! The government is already tracking your every move! Do not believe for a second that the government is in your best interest! They are not!!! The government is the beast system and soon there will be a one world government in power that will force all people to receive the mark of the beast!

Can we go back into history for a minute…? When the Jewish people came under attack by Adolf Hitler and his Nazis party during the Holocaust by being mercilessly imprisoned in concentration camps, they were branded like cattle and shipped around in cattle stalls like animals. They were stripped of all they had and thrown away like the scum of the earth under the Nazi’s feet. Do we want to go back there and re-live what they suffered????

Isn’t willingly accepting this RFID microchip in your hand to be implanted under your skin much worse than being branded like cattle and tattooed like the Jews were forced to do???? At least the Jews could not be constantly tracked by a tattoo because they would have had to be physically counted by the Nazis, so they had the potential to escape!!! But what about us??? Do we have the potential to escape being tracked by the government after accepting this RFID microchip underneath our skin – carrying it within us everywhere we go???!!! NO!!!!!

What is more: if we accept this RFID microchip implant in our hand or forehead, which is the mark of the beast, then we will have absolutely no hope of escaping hell and making it to heaven!

Why??? You ask?

Because according to Revelation Chapter 14:9-11 it says:

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

This scripture sharply warns people to not accept the mark of the beast because if you do you will come under the wrath of God and his relentless fury and will be tormented with fire and brimstone with no rest day and night, which sounds like hell to me.

The question is: Do we want to risk going to hell??? – accepting everlasting damnation and separation from the Lord in blackest darkness, and never-ending torment by fire, by accepting this RFID microchip under the skin – seeing that it is exactly what is specifically described in the Bible?!!

So you might be saying, “Well…the RFID microchip is not specifically stated in the Bible.” But even the word “Bible” is not mentioned in the Bible… So there are things that are described in the Bible that allude to specific things, but it is up to us to discern through the Holy Spirit what these specific things stand for in real life. For example: In the Bible, Jesus spoke mostly in parables (which were like riddles…). His disciples and followers had to be given the gift of discernment through the Holy Spirit in order to unlock the hidden mysteries that only God the Father could reveal to them. Most of the time even Jesus’ disciples had to ask him about the meaning behind his parables because it was before they had received the gift of the Holy Spirit and Jesus would either come right out and tell them the meaning or he would tell them the same thing using a different parable so they could understand. But the reason why Jesus did this was because he was The Good Teacher and he was pushing them to learn how to hear and listen to God and what God was telling them so that they could understand the parables even before the Holy Spirit was actually given on the day of Pentecost.

This reminds me of when I was a teaching assistant, I was instructed to never give the outright answer to a question that the student had about their work. Instead, I was instructed to take the question and come back with an alternative question to ask them pertaining to the question they had before. By doing this, it would get the student to think for themselves rather than just rely on the teacher to always give them the answer to the question. And I think this was sort of the method that Jesus was using by re-wording his parables into other parables to keep the answer concealed and push his disciples to listen to God guide them into all truth instead of relying on him to constantly give away the meaning. And in the same way, Jesus is challenging us to do the same as we read the Bible and its parables. He is trying to tell us there is a deeper meaning to all we are reading, but the only way to get to the true meaning is through relying on the Holy Spirit, which is our teacher within us, if we have truly accepted Jesus into our hearts and our lives and believe in him and that he died for us on the cross through salvation.

I believe the Lord helped me discover the true identity of the mark of the beast through researching the scriptures using Strong’s Concordance Biblehub online, where I was able to look up individual words in Hebrew and Greek. Since the New Testament is written in Greek, I looked up the Revelation 13:16 scripture that says:

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.”

When I clicked on the number above the word ‘mark’ in the Greek, it came up as the word: charagma, which can mean: sculpture; engraving, a stamp, sign. Well, at first sight the definitions seemed more like a tattoo, but when you scroll down to the bottom, the word charagma comes from the word charax. If you click on the word charax, it can mean a pointed stake, a rampart. Now, I want you to remember that I just said a pointed stake…

Because guess what the RFID microchip is implanted with? It is implanted using something called a staked-needle syringe. You can look it up! A stake! That is precisely what the Bible is saying is being inserted under the skin… And additionally, what is a mark used for? It is used to identify you! This microchip is not just a radio frequency chip, it is a radio frequency Identifying chip! It is used to Mark you to IDENTIFY you!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a mark as: a symbol used for identification or indication of ownership.
By this definition, let me just say, that by accepting the RFID microchip you are indicating who your owner is and let me tell you, it’s not Jesus, it is Satan! What people must understand by accepting this RFID microchip is that they are either intentionally or unintentionally marking themselves as Satan’s property!

The real question is: Who do you want to be your owner?

Satan or Jesus (Yeshua)?

We have a choice and most people are choosing without realizing it by accepting this RFID microchip!

Another astonishing thing I discovered about this mark of the beast is specifically stated in Revelations 13:18 which many people read over…  It says:

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

This verse of scripture says to count the number of the beast!

But what does that particular mean in the original Greek??

When we go the Strong’s Concordance Bible hub online and click on this word ‘count,’ what it truly means in the original Greek is: compute or calculate.

So we are not just supposed to count up the number of the beast, we are to calculate the number of the beast!
If we go to the Merriam Webster Dictionary online and look up the definition for ‘calculate’ we find that it means: to determine by mathematical processes!

So if we are given the number of the beast (which is 666), then this scripture is saying that we need to use mathematical processes using these numbers!

Well then, what are the most basic mathematical processes that we use all the time using arithmetic? You got it!
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division!

So let’s be the ones that hath understanding and calculate these numbers given to us in the Bible using basic arithmetic and see what we get! Obviously there is something important that we need to know because the Bible is specifically telling us to do it! So let’s find out!

First, let’s add together the numbers 666, and we get: 18
Second, let’s subtract the numbers 666, and we get: -6
Third, let’s multiply the numbers 666, and we get: 216
Lastly, let’s divide the numbers 666, and we get: 0

Now, I want you to remember the resulting numbers that we got because something is going to be important!
Let me repeat them for you…they were: 18, -6, 216, & 0

After researching the RFID microchip, I discovered the name of the chip and guess what they call it?!! NTAG 216!!! 216!

216 is the multiplication calculation of 6 x 6 x 6! More importantly it is the multiplication calculation of the number of the beast! WOAH!!!!

I mean, this RFID microchip fits the description of the mark of the beast to a tee!!!!
How much more do we need to know???!!!
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out!

The Lord did not make this hard for us, He made it simple for everyone to figure out, if we just have the understanding to do it – like the Word of God says!

Using Scripture, here are some last points I would like to make about this RFID microchip, which we have proven through the Word of God, our own understanding, and through calculation, to most definitely be the mark of the beast!

1 Corinthians 6:19 states:

“What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”

This verse of scriptures says that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit which lives inside of us, which is of God and that our bodies are not our own!

Yes! The Bible says that our own body is not ours! We do not own it! We are the Lord’s! We do not own ourselves when we accept Jesus into our hearts and our lives through Salvation and we are born again and have received the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit comes to live and dwell within us! That is God living on the inside of us! When we accept Jesus into our hearts and lives we must understand that we are not just accepting Jesus, but also God the Father! And both come to live inside of us!

Just as John 14:23 says:
Jesus answered and said unto him, “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode (or home) with him.”

Brothers and Sisters, you are the temple of the Lord! Your body is the temple (or home) of God and of Jesus Christ! So we have NEW owners! We are God and Jesus’ property! They are both our owners!

1 Corinthians 6:20 says:
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

This verse of scripture is saying that we not only need to glorify God in our spirit, but also in our body, which are both considered to be God’s property.

The Bible clearly states in 1 Corinthians 3:17:

“If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”

This is saying that we are not to defile our bodies because we are the temple of the Lord!

So, if our bodies are the temple of the Lord as scripture says it is, then if we were to receive this RFID microchip in our hands or forehead, would that be considered defiling not just our bodies, but God’s temple?

I think you already know the answer to that question…

But, let’s go to the dictionary and look up the definition for: defile.

Synonyms for the word defile means to: sully, mar, spoil, degrade, poison, taint, tarnish, desecrate or profane something sacred, violate, contaminate, pollute, etc.

Antonyms for the word defile means to: purify or sanctify.

Do we honestly think that receiving this RFID microchip underneath our skin in our hands or forehead is purifying and sanctifying to our bodies – God’s temple?!!! I can tell you…No!!! If we do this we are allowing our body to become like currency (money), which is worse than a prostitute because we are allowing the government to violate us without payment. In fact, the people who are wanting this RFID microchip are paying the government to get this done!!!  And what’s even worse than that is the Lord sees it!

Jesus is wanting us to be presented to him as a chaste virgin without spot or wrinkle. Don’t you think he is crying and bawling for us?!!! Don’t you know his heart is totally broken for you?!!!! Don’t you realize and understand your value in Jesus Christ! You are rich because of him! You inherit all that he has inherited –all the riches in the Kingdom of Heaven- if you believe in him and what he did on the cross for you, because we are co-heirs with Jesus Christ as scripture promises in Romans 8:17! However, that is not why we love him! We love him because he loves us first…long before we even realize what true love is – and that is his love for us- it is pure!

Jesus is the one who purifies you and that is the exact opposite of defilement! Jesus is the one who washes you and cleanses you of all the filth of this world – like money and other sins and wickedness! In fact, Jesus hated money, because he knew it was the root of all evil! Throughout scripture Jesus consistently spoke out against the Pharisees, calling them a brood of vipers, because they loved money, but not him. He could see their evil hearts and their lack of love and compassion, but he paid the ultimate price for them with his blood on the cross to cover the sin of all humanity if they chose to believe in him. That is still what Jesus is offering you today… He is offering you his heart, his life, and his kingdom – to rule and to reign with him in all truth, purity, and sanctity for all time.

Jesus is the one who sanctifies you and consecrates you to himself so that you might one day be where he is in heaven, but Jesus cannot accept anything that is wicked and vile into heaven. So if you allow yourself to be tainted, contaminated, and polluted with this world system through this RFID microchip, don’t for a second think that there is any way you are going to make it into heaven to be with Jesus! Instead, Jesus will cast you hand and foot into the fiery pits of hell where you will be tortured in flames for all eternity with no relief! There will be no rest for the wicked! The wicked will not enter into rest with Jesus Christ in heaven!

So, I warn you all,
With everything in my heart,

BEWARE and Be Aware of this RFID microchip! Do not take it!!! No matter if you are left behind to suffer through the 7 year tribulation period on earth – do NOT take this RFID microchip! It IS the mark of the beast!!!! I believe we will be hearing more and more about this RFID microchip (mark of the beast) as we see the day of the Lord (the rapture) shortly approaching us! We are seeing and reading more about this RFID microchip in the news and various media outlets and it is kind of like a showdown between good and evil right now… Because this Revelation 12 sign has already taken place on 9/23/17 and it is still filling many Believers’ hearts with hope, yet we are also seeing the lashing out of Satan upon humanity through the mainstream news reporting on such things as this RFID microchip implant rearing its ugly head in our society!

All of us believers in Jesus (Yeshua) need to stay encouraged as we see the nearing of the Lord’s coming and not lose heart or be frightened by the things in this world that the Bible has prophesied will come to pass. We need to stay focused on the Lord and his soon return to snatch us up out of harm’s way as his Bride.

I do, however, believe that this RFID microchip is how the beast system (the one world government) will try to gain full control over the masses, pulling them into their tangled web of lies to make people naively believe that everything is okay when they are pulling the wool over people’s eyes so that they do not know the truth behind their tactics of total world dominance and control over every living thing on earth. The Bible foretells this one world government will succeed in gaining control for the length of the 7 year tribulation period, but then the Lord will come back to defeat the false prophet and the beast (the antichrist) who have led the whole world astray –throwing them into the lake of burning sulfur!

Most of the Jews during the time of Hitler and his Nazis’ did not escape with their lives, but we can because we have an escape route if we believe in Jesus! To a fireman, an escape route is a preplanned and understood route to reach a safety zone. I am sure that on September 11th, 2001 all the innocent people working in the World Trade Center wished they had an escape route before the twin towers were unexpectedly completely collapsed by terrorist planes! They had no time to get to their safety zone. For believers, our escape route is the rapture, which is our preplanned and understood route in the Bible. Our escape route (the rapture) will take us through the exit door (Jesus) out of the way of disaster in this world and into the safety zone, which is heaven.

Do you have an escape route through Jesus Christ?

I just encourage all believers in Jesus to stay focused on his word and be hopeful about the Lord’s soon return for us as his Bride and not get weighed down with all the distractions, worries, and anxieties of this world. We need to understand what the Bible says about end-times prophecy and that these things must happen, but woe to them who accept the mark of the beast (this RFID microchip) – because they will be destroyed!

If you have not received Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) into your heart and your life, I plead with you with all my heart that you do today! Jesus is coming to rapture his true believers (his bride) out of this dark world that is getting much darker every single day!

If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your savior today, please pray this prayer with me:

“Lord God, I come to you Father in the name of Jesus, I repent of all my sin and ask you to forgive me of all my sin. I accept you and your son Jesus Christ into my heart and my life today. I believe in you Jesus and that you died for me on the cross. I believe that you paid the ultimate price for me as the perfect spotless lamb that made atonement for all my sin for all eternity. I give you all of my heart today and accept you as my Lord and Savior. Please come into my heart and my life. Please come dwell inside of me richly through the Holy Spirit and wipe me clean of all my sin, purify me of all wickedness and unrighteousness, and sanctify me by your righteousness for your glory, honor, and praise. Please prepare my heart and life as well as others in my life for your soon return! Amen and Amen!”

Thank you Brothers and Sisters in Christ for reading! God bless you!!! Keep looking up for our redemption is drawing nigh… it is right at the door! The rapture is almost here! Let us encourage each other with these words and tell as many people as possible about it so that they might come to repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ as well! There are many people out there who need to be saved before time is up and the trumpet is sounded! I love you all in the Lord! And just remember… Jesus loves you with all his heart! Bye for now! 🙂 <3