*** CLICK HERE to Check Out the NEW Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Rapture 2021 post***
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring Good News, who proclaim Peace, who bring Good Tidings, who proclaim Salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Listen! Your Watchmen lift up their voices; together they Shout for Joy. When the Lord returns to Zion, they will See it with their own eyes! Burst into songs of Joy together, you ruins of Jerusalem, for the Lord has Comforted his people, he has Redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord will lay bare his Holy Arm in the sight of All the nations, and All the ends of the earth will See the Salvation of our God!
– Isaiah 52:10-12
Ever since hearing the voice of the Lord audibly whisper to me the exact day of the Rapture on 8/2/19, I have still been consistently asking the Lord in prayer to reveal to me the Exact month, day, year, and time of the Rapture, preferably in an encounter with Him! Then on 8/21/19, I was sitting down in the living area in my Mom’s rocking chair and when I drifted off to sleep, I had a closed vision of a stop watch. The stop watch had 3 different sections to it separated by colons like this (00:00:00), which I knew stood for hours, minutes, and seconds. The numbers in these 3 sections were changing and flipping so fast that I couldn’t tell exactly what the numbers were, but I knew that this watch was counting down Extremely Fast! I could mainly see the numbers within the seconds section on the very right-hand side and they were flying! Suddenly the watch came to a complete stop and I could Clearly read 07:37:00! I immediately looked to the left side of the 07 in the hour section and there was a 01 out beside it, but I couldn’t understand what it meant! All I knew was that this watch was stopping at 7:37! When I awoke, I instantly knew this was a significant vision from the Lord because 7:37 am was the EXACT Same time on 8/2/19 that the Lord audibly whispered to me that we are leaving in the Rapture on the 29th! Yet, little did I know, the Lord was just about to reveal something GIGANTIC!
As I mulled over this vision from the Lord some more, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the Noah Purification Rapture Timeline that I had originally calculated using the Biblical calendar (360 days per year). This timeline spanned 9/23/17 (the Revelation 12 Sign) to 9/30/19 (Rosh Hashanah) and it was exactly 727 days! 727 days seemed quite similar to 737 days! It was only 10 days difference! So this started me on a tangent to find out just how many days were actually between 9/23/17 (the Revelation 12 Sign) and the day the Lord revealed to me as the day of the Rapture (9/29/19) using our regular 365 day calendar! I went online and typed in the beginning date of 9/23/17 and the end date of 9/29/19, making sure to include the end date in the calculation! And Guess how many days came up?!! PRECISELY 737 days! Come On Now!! What Are The Odds Of That?!! Absolutely Slim To NONE! This Revelation from the Lord was HUGE, but I knew there was something Much Deeper the Lord was wanting to reveal!
After this Revelation from the Lord, the Holy Spirit kept reminding me of 737 in various ways! I noticed that the ways the Lord would remind me of 737 were always in a time format! For example, the morning of 8/25/19, as soon as I walked into the kitchen for some reason the Holy Spirit had me look at the clock on the microwave and it said 7:37 am! I thought to myself that it would be Awesome if the Lord was trying to reveal the Exact time of the Rapture, even though I had assuredly thought it was going to be at 8 pm! In my previous post (Until The Day Dawns), I mentioned how I had my encounter with the Lord on 1/1/17 at 8 am and I thought it would be Amazing if the Rapture happened at 8 pm, just as Jesus (Yeshua) is called the Alpha & The Omega, The Beginning & The End! However, I was Most Definitely not going to put it past the Lord to prove me wrong yet again!
In the “Until The Day Dawns” post I discussed the watches of the night and how several passages of scripture in Matthew 24, Matthew 25, Matthew 26, Mark 13, and Mark 14 all point to the 3rd watch (rooster crow) as the interval of time for the Rapture in Israel! Here is a picture of the watches of the night again…

As we examined the Rapture parable in Matthew 25 we learned that the midnight cry rang out at the beginning of the 3rd watch (12 am), but the bridegroom (who is symbolic of Jesus – Yeshua) did not come right when the cry rang out. Rather, the bridegroom came while the virgins without the oil went to go buy more! So the wise virgins who were ready with their lamps and vessels of oil went in with the bridegroom and the door was shut! Thus, the shutting of the door represented the very end of the 3rd watch (3 am)! And what is Even MORE significant is that now I believe the Lord is revealing that the shutting of the door not only represents the end of the 3rd watch (3 am), but it also stands for the closing time of the Rapture! WOAH!!
Now that we know the closing time of the Rapture for Israel, we can easily determine the closing time of the Rapture for other locations around the world! For example, since Israel is 7 hours ahead of New York in time, 12 am (beginning of 3rd watch interval) in Israel would be 5 pm in New York and 3 am (ending of the 3rd watch interval) in Israel would be 8 pm in New York! This means that wherever you are located in the world compared to Israel will determine the closing time of the Rapture for you! Yet, here is one puzzle piece we are still missing… The closing time of the Rapture is NOT when the bridegroom came! The closing time of the Rapture was when the door was Shut! So the REAL question is: When is the bridegroom (Jesus – Yeshua) coming?!!
If we go back to the Rapture parable in Matthew 25, we see that the bridegroom did not come at exactly 12 am midnight when the cry rang out, so this means the Rapture will not happen at 12 am in Israel or 5 pm in New York! However, that does not mean at all that the midnight cry is not significant or that people do not need to be ready by that time! Rather, everybody needs to be ready and prepared for the Rapture Well in advance! Yet, in narrowing down the Rapture window further, let’s revisit the Feast Day Calendar…

As we can see here, Rosh Hashanah officially begins on Sunday, September 29, 2019 in the evening (6 pm – 9 pm). So this narrows the Rapture window down to 6 pm – 8 pm, which is only 2 hours long! WOW!! Now that is AMAZING!!! Yet, here is something Even BIGGER!
Now that we have narrowed down the Rapture window, if we examine the time the Lord showed me on the stop watch, 7:37, where Exactly does it land?!! Within the 1st watch, Right between 6 and 8 pm!! COME ON NOW! What are the odds of that?!! Exponentially Slim! This means that if the Rapture takes place at 7:37 pm in New York and we know that Israel is 7 hours ahead in time, then the Rapture will take place at 2:37 am in Israel! And Exactly what watch of the night does 2:37 am land in?? The 3rd watch! Just like scripture says! WOAH!! That is ASTOUNDING!
After all these profound Revelations from the Lord, I was curious to see if there was anything significant going on in the heavens at 7:37 pm in my location on Stellarium…

Once I pulled up my location on Stellarium, I could hardly believe my eyes to see that at PRECISELY 7:37 pm on 9/29/19, Virgo (the woman Israel) is birthing the moon, symbolic of the Church body of Christ! As you can see here, by 7:37 pm the moon has fully been birthed out of Virgo with only the outline of the moon touching the very outer edge of the womb line! And according to Revelation 12, the male child who is symbolic of the Church body of Christ is immediately snatched up to heaven to God’s throne just as soon as he is born! WOW!! Now how Exciting is that?!! This was further evidence and confirmation that 7:37 pm is indeed the time of the Rapture in my location! Oh Hallelujah! Praise You Jesus (Yeshua)!!! We’re Going Home!!!
If all this was not enough, while I was still on Stellarium, the Lord gave me yet another Revelation! I noticed that the clock on Stellarium looked Exactly like the stop watch I had in my vision where the hours, minutes, and seconds were all separated by colons! I remembered that at the end of my vision as soon as the watch came to a complete stop at 07:37:00, I looked to the left side of the 07 and there was a 01! Back when the Lord gave me this vision I couldn’t understand why there was a 01 on the left side of the 07, yet when I saw the clock on Stellarium, I noticed that the column on the left side of the hour section was the number of days! All of a sudden it finally clicked that at this time of 7:37 pm, it will officially be our day 01 in heaven! WOAH!! That’s Absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! I don’t know about you, but that makes me SUPER Excited and Pumped that we are just about to be Raptured out of this world to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus (Yeshua) for ALL eternity!
I am so thankful that we are just about to get Raptured home soon because here lately things have been getting EXTREMELY hard to bear in this world to the point that I feel like I can barely hold on any longer and I find myself crying out to the Lord Incessantly to get us out of here! I keep telling the Lord that the longer we are here, it seems like the more we have to go through and it is Absolutely Unbearable! It is Most Definitely apparent to me that the things that I used be okay with are NOT okay anymore and these are precisely the things that the world delights in! Yet, I am So thankful that the Lord has shown me that I was never meant to fit in with this world, because I was created to fit into heaven with him! And the same goes for ALL of us! We were not created to stay here! We were created to get out of here in this Rosh Hashanah Rapture up to heaven!
One drizzly day I was feeling this unbearable weight of the world on my shoulders as I was walking my dog Daisy outside. We walked around to the back yard and Daisy sat down on the ground to take in the surrounding nature and fresh air. I squatted down beside her, taking in all the atmosphere and sounds, and as I sat there I began pouring out my heart to the Lord. As I spoke to the Lord, I lifted my eyes to the heavens to feel the soft cool sprinkles of rain touch my face, and as the whispering wind blew the gentle rain against the trees I could hear the leaves clapping together in joyous applause! Instantly the Holy Spirit reminded me, “You will go out in Joy and be led forth in Peace, the mountains and hills will Burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands!” – Isaiah 55:12.
This scripture in Isaiah 55:12 lifted me up in my Spirit and reminded me to keep holding on because the FINISH LINE is up ahead! It’s just like a runner who sees the Finish Line in a race! When they see that Finish Line up ahead, what do they do?? They get a Renewed BURST of Energy that wells up out of them from deep within! They throw off all restraint! And they start running with EVERYTHING they’ve got! I’m telling you, NOW is the time to throw off all restraint pulling you down or holding you back from the Lord and run this race out with EVERYTHING you’ve got! The Rapture Finish Line is up ahead and Very Soon we are going to go out in JOY and be led forth in Peace!! The mountains and hills will BURST into Song before us and all the trees of the field will clap their hands as we cross this Finish Line into heaven! Amen!!
Brothers and Sisters in Jesus (Yeshua), The Rapture Finish Line is Right Up Ahead!!! I Can SEE it!! And I cannot Express my URGENCY Enough! This IS ZERO HOUR!! There Is NO MORE TIME!! You NEED to know 100 percent that you and everyone else around you are all filled and sealed with God’s Holy Spirit for Rapture Day! Scripture is clear that if you do Not have God’s Holy Spirit living inside of you, then you are NOT God’s child (Romans 8:9)! God’s Holy Spirit is the ONLY thing that is going to get you to heaven!!! Without God’s Holy Spirit living inside of you, you cannot make it to heaven! Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50)! You need to be letting go of the things of this world and ridding your life of everything holding you back from the Lord – throwing it all away like a dirty rag! There is a reason why the whole Jewish month of Elul is spent in True Heart Repentance unto the Lord all the way up to the day of Rosh Hashanah! That is Precisely what ALL of us need to be doing!! We need to be on our faces repenting of our sins, asking the Lord to wash us thoroughly through and through from the inside out to rid us of every uncleanness! Also, we need to be asking the Lord to cleanse us, purify us, sanctify us, and consecrate us to his heart so that we will be found worthy to come into his kingdom! In addition, we need to be praying in the Holy Spirit on ALL occasions (Ephesians 6:18, Jude 1:20 – 21) and crying out to God with all our hearts for our family, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, people all over the world, our pets, etc. to make it into heaven!
Now More Than Ever you need to make 100 percent sure that you are yielding your entire heart, life, plans, and will to the Lord, so that you can be fully led by God’s Holy Spirit! Because those who are led by the Spirit of God ARE Sons of God (Romans 8:14)! Thus, if you are not being led by the God’s Holy Spirit, then you are NOT God’s Sons or Daughters!! It is one thing to be filled with God’s Holy Spirit, yet it is a Whole New Level when you are a willing vessel walking in full obedience to God’s Holy Spirit! And this is a Level that the Lord wants ALL of us to be on so that we can all be called his Sons and Daughters! Walking in full obedience to God’s Holy Spirit means that you have to know how the Lord speaks, otherwise you cannot know what the Lord wants you to do for him! Even John 10:27 states, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” So in order for you to be Known by the Lord, you Must first be able to hear his voice, so that you can know how to follow him!
PLEASE SHARE this post with as many people as possible! There are Way Too Many people out there who still have not accepted Jesus (Yeshua) into their hearts and need to know the All-Consuming RADICAL Love of the Lord for them! Everyone NEEDS to have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of them first by coming to True Heart Repentance unto Salvation – accepting Jesus (Yeshua) into your heart and life; second, water immersion baptism (full submerging in water for remission of sins) – further asking the Lord to fill you up with God’s Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues; and third, Holy Spirit baptism – actually being infilled with God’s Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues! The Lord desires to have a personal intimate relationship with you through his Holy Spirit! He paid for it on the cross! All you have to do is accept what the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) has already paid for! However, just confessing with your mouth that you believe in Jesus is NOT enough! You have to have God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within you and you need to know that 100 percent! Speaking in tongues is a FREE gift of the Spirit that is your direct line of communication with God the Father and Jesus (Yeshua) and God’s Holy Spirit is your 100 percent proof of purchase “guaranteed heaven” seal for Rapture day! Thus, if you have the gift of speaking in tongues that is guaranteed evidence that you have God’s Holy Spirit living inside of you and you are going to heaven! Speaking in tongues from God’s Holy Spirit welling up from inside of you is true evidence you have God’s Holy Spirit living in you, but speaking in tongues just to speak is Not evidence! You can feel an immediate difference after you truly speak in tongues from the overflow of God’s Holy Spirit within you, because God’s Holy Spirit will give you a peace that passes all understanding. So Please take this EXTREMELY Small Amount of time you have left and do everything You Can to Guarantee you are Sealed by God’s Holy Spirit for Rapture day!
Let us sound the Shofar in TRIUMPH! Let us Rejoice in VICTORY and Shout for JOY! For The Lord God Almighty is about to lay bare his Holy Arm in the sight of All nations and All the ends of the earth will See the SALVATION of our God in this Rosh Hashanah Rapture 2019!!! 😀
Therefore, since we are surrounded by a Great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders…and let us run with Perseverance the race marked out for us! Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the JOY set before him, endured the cross!
– Hebrews 12:1-2