*** CLICK HERE to check out the NEW Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Rapture 2021 post***
On 5/27/19 the Lord led me to a passage of scripture in 2 Peter 1:19 that says, “And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” Instantly when I read the word “morning star” in this scripture, the Holy Spirit reminded me how the planet Venus is known as the morning star! I thought it was interesting how this scripture says that the morning star (Venus) would rise (just like the sun) in our hearts and the only constellation in the heavens that is known to have a heart is Leo the Lion! I knew the Lord was trying to reveal something significant about the Rapture considering that this scripture mentioned how the morning star would rise in our hearts when “The Day” dawns, as in The Day of the Rapture! So I decided to get onto Stellarium to see if there was anything significant occurring between the planet Venus and the sun near the heart of the constellation Leo right before September 30th, 2019! When I got onto Stellarium I examined the dates right before September 30th, 2019 and to my Amazement, I saw EXACTLY what the Word of God described in 2 Peter 1:19! The Morning Star Venus began conjuncting with the sun on 8/10/19 and followed (rose with) the sun all the way into the heart of Leo the Lion right before 9/30/19! I even looked at each year around this time on into the future all the way up to 2027 and the only years this occurred was in 2019 and 2027, which are the 2 years outlining the timeframe of the 7 year tribulation! This was further confirmation through the Word of God that September 30th, 2019 is indeed the day of the Rapture!
I was so thankful for this Revelation from the Lord because it encouraged me to keep pressing into the Lord through the Holy Spirit and keep watching for the day of the Rapture even though I felt little to no encouragement from anyone! I yearned even more to feel the all-consuming Love of the Lord pour into me like I felt on January 1st, 2017, because over time it has become Extremely evident to me that the love in this world has waxed SO cold! Needless to say, I have been BEYOND ready to get out of here in the Rapture! I began praying incessantly for the Lord to pour his all-consuming Love into me like an ocean and finally on 6/10/19, a little after 7 p.m. I was sitting in the living room by myself while my sister and Mother were talking in the kitchen and I could feel the overwhelming presence of the Lord! As I closed my eyes, it literally felt like the Lord was sitting so close to me, as if his face was right next mine! It felt like this invisible wall that had been between me and the Lord finally lifted and I could speak to him about anything and everything! In that moment I could feel the Lord intently listening to everything I had to say as if every single word was important to him and I was the only one there even though other people were around! And all I could do was pour out my heart to him about all that was going on in my life, how I loved him with every fiber of my being, and couldn’t wait to be wrapped up in his perfect love Forever! To my surprise, I later realized that I felt this overwhelming presence of the Lord on the very last day of Pentecost, which began on the evening of 6/8/19 and ended on the evening of 6/10/19! I definitely found that to be quite significant because the day of Pentecost was the very day when the Lord sent down the Holy Spirit like tongues of fire upon his disciples (Acts 2:1 – 41) and the Holy Spirit is our comforter and counselor (John 14:26 – 27)! In the same way, the love I felt from the Lord that evening gave me so much comfort and reassurance that the Lord loves me and that I matter to him Immensely!
Later the same month, on 6/25/19 and 6/26/19, the economic portion of the Middle East Peace Plan was revealed in Bahrain! In my previous post (“Imminent Rapture 2019”), I wrote about how June 17th, 18th, and 19th were significant because the planet Mercury and the planet Mars conjuncted at the side of Pollux in Gemini, where Pollux is symbolic of Jesus (Yeshua). Thus, the message of war formed at the side of Jesus (Yeshua) on these dates and just 7 days after the full conjunction between Mercury and Mars on 6/18/19, the Middle East Peace Plan was revealed! Some people might still believe that the Middle East Peace Plan has not been revealed because the political portion of it has not been disclosed yet, however, the economic portion of it has! Daniel 9:27 says that, “He (the antichrist) will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven’ (7 years).” If we look up what the word “confirm” means in this scripture within the original Hebrew, it means to ‘make stronger’! And in my previous post, we discovered the true identity of the one who is Really behind the Middle East Peace Plan, backing up or “strengthening” the American President, who is yet to be revealed! This means that it doesn’t matter when the second portion of the Middle East Peace Plan is revealed, because the first portion has already been revealed and it is already being confirmed (strengthened) by Pope Francis! Thus, this HUGE End-times prophetic sign written in Daniel 9:27 has already been Fulfilled!!! Even 1 Thessalonians 5:3 states that while people are saying Peace and Safety (the Middle East “Peace” Plan) suddenly the labor pangs like that of a woman in labor will come upon them (symbolic of the Tribulation) and they will not escape! Folks, can you SEE just how close we are to the Rapture?!! I can tell you, it is practically upon us NOW!
One day my sister Cassandra was reading Micah 5:3 where it says, “Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time when she who is in labor gives birth and the rest of his brothers return to join the Israelites.” She pointed out that the previous verse in Micah 5:2 about the Promised Ruler from Bethlehem was indeed describing Jesus (Yeshua), yet verse 3 was also revealing that the Church body of Christ, who are the rest of Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) brothers and sisters, would return to join the Israelites when she who is in labor gives birth! As soon as she said this, I immediately mentioned how that sounded just like the woman giving birth in Revelation 12! You see, in a spiritual sense the Revelation 12 Sign on September 23rd, 2019 was like the spiritual birth of the Church body of Christ! Thus, the fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign on September 30th, 2019 will be the Rapture of the Church body of Christ when we are finally physically birthed out of this world and return to our Lord and Savior Jesus (Yeshua) to join the Israelites in heaven! Amen! What is more is that those who truly have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them have been engrafted into the Jewish family (Israelites) of Jesus (Yeshua) and will soon be reunited with them in the Rapture! Hallelujah! It was Awesome to find this scripture in the Word of God confirming that we are just about to be raptured home Imminently!
For a while the Lord kept reminding me of the encounter I had with him on January 1st, 2017 at 8 am! I knew everything about that encounter with him was significant, but the Lord wanted to reveal something much deeper to me about it right before I went to bed on 7/30/19! And here is a picture of what he revealed:

As you can see, I had my encounter with the Lord on the very first day of our calendar New Year! On that very same year the Revelation 12 Sign appeared in the heavens on 9/23/17 (Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year), precisely 38 weeks later! When I looked up the amount of time for a normal pregnancy, it was EXACTLY 38 to 40 weeks! And what was the Revelation 12 Sign a picture of?? The woman (Israel) in labor birthing her child (the Church body of Christ)! Personally, I believe the Lord was trying to reveal this timespan of 38 weeks from 1/1/17 to 9/23/17 was symbolic of the pregnancy period of Israel! And the actual Revelation 12 Sign was the spiritual birth of the Church body of Christ! Then from Rosh Hashanah 9/23/17 (Jewish New Year) to Rosh Hashanah 9/30/19 (Jewish New Year), we have a whole 2 years! These 2 years represent the growth and development time of the Church body of Christ, which we are still in! This means that by 9/30/19 the Church body of Christ will officially be 2 years old just like Jesus (Yeshua) in Matthew chapter 2 when he escaped from Herod! Hallelujah!!! Thus, we can conclude that the Church body of Christ will be physically birthed out of this world in the Rapture on Rosh Hashanah, September 30th, 2019! WOW!! What a REVELATION from the Lord! This was Even More confirmation to me that the Rapture is indeed going to be on September 30th, 2019!
All these profound revelations from the Lord Most Definitely kept me uplifted in my Spirit and hopeful for the Rapture! However, I still consistently prayed for the Lord to give me another encounter with him letting me know the exact month, day, year, and time of the Rapture! I knew the Lord kept confirming this timeframe for the Rapture over and over again in various ways through the Holy Spirit, but I wanted an encounter with him literally telling me the exact month, day, year, and time of the Rapture! Then on 8/2/19, I was sitting on the living room couch with my two dogs Daisy and Spencer on either side of me. I drifted off to sleep and was resting my head on Spencer. I was deep in sleep and all of a sudden it was as if the Holy Spirit within me asked the question (as if I was asking in my heart), “What day are we leaving?” Instantly, I audibly heard the Lord whisper to me… “The 29th!” I immediately woke up in Utter Astonishment!! I sat there for a minute in complete Awe and Wonder pondering what I just heard, making sure that I really heard this! Then I hurriedly got up to look for my phone to see what time it was when I heard the Lord speak to me! When I finally found my phone it said 7:38 a.m., so I knew it was 7:37 a.m. when I actually heard the Lord speak! I was SO Excited that I ran outside to tell my sister Cassandra what just happened! She was just as thrilled as I was to hear that the Lord revealed the Very Day of the Rapture to me! I had been asking the Lord in prayer to reveal to me the Exact month, day, year, and time of the Rapture for a VERY Long Time and he finally revealed The Day!
For the longest time I believed that according to the scriptures written in Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 saying, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but ONLY the Father,” meant that Anyone could know the day and the hour of the Rapture if they had the Holy Spirit living inside of them who IS God! I am SO Thankful that the Lord finally proved this to be true because it made Absolutely no sense to me why we couldn’t just ask God to reveal to us the day and the hour of the Rapture if we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us! Now, to just anybody, if the Lord had spoken to them telling them “the 29th” on August 2nd they more than likely would believe that he meant the 29th of that same month of August, but the Lord has been specifically pointing out Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) as the timeframe for the Rapture in various ways through the Holy Spirit and Rosh Hashanah begins at the end of September! On top of that, it only made sense that the Rapture would happen during the Jewish Feast Day of Rosh Hashanah because the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) fulfilled all the Spring Feast Days of the Lord IN ORDER up to Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets)! So Rosh Hashanah is the very next Feast Day of The Lord to be fulfilled by Jesus (Yeshua)! As I mulled over what I heard some more, I knew it assuredly came from the Lord and not from me because I was not even expecting for the Rapture to be on the 29th! I was expecting the Rapture to be on the 30th! Haha! So this got me wondering how the Rapture could occur on September 29th instead of September 30th, 2019! And what the Lord was about to reveal to me was Extremely Exciting!!!
I was right in the middle of creating a table of dates for all the Feast Days of the Lord spanning 2019 to 2028…

Outlined in red, you can see that Rosh Hashanah 2019 officially begins on the evening of Sunday, the 29th of September! If you look at all the dates for Rosh Hashanah from 2019 all the way up to 2028 (spanning a whole 10 years), there is no other year that spans the 29th day, except for Rosh Hashanah 2019! Oh Hallelujah!!! And I can tell you Right Now the Lord is Most Definitely letting his children know through the Holy Spirit that we Do NOT have another 10 years until the Rapture! After seeing this table it finally clicked in my mind that Israel could very well already be on into the next day (September 30th, 2019) during the time of the Rapture depending on where you are located in the world compared to Israel! For instance, if you live in New York, then Israel will be 7 hours ahead of you in time! So that means that if the Rapture takes place at 8 p.m. on 9/29/19 in New York, it would be 3 a.m. 9/30/19 (the next day) in Israel! Thus, we can’t rule out September 30th, 2019 for the day of the Rapture, because it might very well be the day of the Rapture in Israel depending on the time! Furthermore, this means that the 3 box calendar vision the Lord gave me back in October 2017 (pictured below)…

…really should have looked like this on the Torah Calendar!

As you can see here, if we overlay this 3 box calendar onto the Torah Calendar, sunset September 29th, 2019 would technically begin on the box circled 30 and the middle box with the word “coming” in it would land on the box circled 1 which spans sunset September 29th, 2019 and sunset September 30th, 2019! Oh Hallelujah! This might very well be narrowing down the window of time of the Rapture for everyone around the whole world no matter what time zone you live in! WOAH! How Awesome is the Lord?!! He is Absolutely Brilliant! Little did I know the Lord was about to reveal something much deeper!
The night of 8/4/19 I laid down and was reading the Word of God in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 under “The Signs of the End of the Age.” The Holy Spirit kept drawing my attention to the number of times the Lord said to “watch” and helped me make the connection to the watches of the night! I thought to myself that it would be Incredible if the Lord was secretly trying to give away the exact hour of the Rapture to his children by hiding it in His Word! So I looked up how many watches were in the night and I discovered that there were 4, but it was getting so late that I had to go on to sleep… Then on 8/6/19 I told my sister Cassandra in the morning how I read in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 that the Lord said to “watch” 3 times and how this might be revealing the watch of the night for the Rapture! Cassandra mentioned how the Lord also said “watch” 3 times in Matthew when he was in the garden of Gethsemane! This made 3 different passages of scripture where the Lord specifically told his disciples to watch 3 times in a row! What I thought was particularly interesting was that Jesus (Yeshua) called on his disciples to watch 3 times, but at the end of Mark 13:37 he told everyone in general to watch 1 time! It made me wonder if the Lord was trying to distinguish what watch of the night the Rapture would take place in Israel by specifically telling his disciples to watch 3 times as opposed to those in general whom he only told to watch once! This made me believe that the Lord was specifically revealing that the Rapture would occur at the 3rd watch of the night in Israel!
Later that morning, Cassandra got a HUGE revelation from the Lord! She was reading Mark 13:35 which says, “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back – whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn.” She realized that the Lord was revealing the 4 watches of the night! And for better understanding, here is a picture depicting what I mean:

Cassandra looked up when the 1st watch of the night begins, yet she discovered that the 4th watch begins from 3 am to 6 am! Since this one watch of the night was a 3 hour interval of time, we could both easily figure out that the 1st watch is from 6 pm to 9 pm, the 2nd watch is from 9 pm to 12 am, the 3rd watch is from 12 am to 3 am and the 4th watch is from 3 am to 6 am! When Cassandra read the word “rooster crow” in Mark 13:35, the Holy Spirit reminded her of the passage of scripture about Peter’s denial and how the Lord predicted in Matthew 26:34 that he would disown him 3 times before the rooster crowed! So Cassandra looked up the time that roosters crow and she found that roosters actually crow at 12 am and 3 am! This perfectly outlined the time interval of the 3rd watch! As she continued reading in Mark chapter 14 about the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus (Yeshua) told the disciples 3 times to watch, which is a set of 3’s indicating a significant period of time… After that, there was a span of time where Jesus (Yeshua) was seized and taken to the Sanhedrin right before Peter disowned him and the rooster crowed immediately as Peter spoke out his 3rd denial. Peter’s 3 denials were yet another set of 3’s outlining a significant period of time which we can know for certain was the 3rd watch (rooster crow)! So what time was Jesus (Yeshua) warning his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane to watch 3 times in a row right before he was seized?! You guessed it! 12 am! Thus, Jesus (Yeshua) was intentionally highlighting these 2 periods of time because they Perfectly outline the interval of the 3rd watch! And why would Jesus (Yeshua) intentionally highlight this specific interval of time??? To secretly let his children know ahead of time in scripture that Israel’s Rapture time will be at the 3rd watch of the night! Hallelujah!!
In the afternoon, Cassandra got another revelation from the Lord as she was reading Matthew chapter 25 about the parable of the 10 virgins, which we know is Most Definitely symbolic of the Rapture because the virgins with the oil in this passage of scripture represent those with God’s Holy Spirit (the Church body of Christ) who will be invited into the Wedding Supper of The Lamb! She began reading how at midnight (12 am) the cry rang out that the bridegroom had arrived and for the virgins to go out to meet him! All the virgins woke up from being asleep and trimmed their lamps, but the bridegroom did not come at exactly that time so those virgins who did not have enough oil had to go buy more because their lamps were going out. While those virgins without oil were on their way to buy some more, the bridegroom came, so the virgins who were already ready with oil went in with him to the wedding banquet and the door was shut. Later, the other virgins came knocking on the door, but the Lord would not let them in because he told them he did not know them. Again, this passage of scripture perfectly outlines the 3rd watch, because the cry rang out Precisely at midnight (12 am)! Did you notice that the bridegroom did not come Exactly when the cry rang out?? Instead, he came later as the virgins without oil were on their way to buy more! So there was a window of time here between the midnight cry and the actual arrival of the bridegroom! And there was yet another window of time between the arrival of the bridegroom and the door being shut! This suggests that there was an even longer interval of time between the midnight cry and the door being shut! Thus, this leads me to believe that the shutting of the door took place at the end of the 3rd watch, 3 am!
This now made 5 passages of scripture that specifically point out the 3rd watch of the night! WOW!! So what does this Ultimately mean??? The nation of Israel will be raptured out during the 3rd watch of the night on September 30th, 2019! Now that we know the precise window of time Israel will be raptured up to heaven, we can easily determine the EXACT day as well as the window of time we will be raptured up to heaven! Hallelujah!!! You see, the Lord knew ahead of time that his children filled with the Holy Spirit would be seeking out the precise window of time for the rapture to occur within His Word, so he secretly hid it within the scriptures for us to find! That means that the Lord WANTS us to know the Day and the Hour of the Rapture so that we can be prepared with our lamps overflowing with an Infinite amount oil (God’s Holy Spirit) that can never run out! Amen!
After all these profound revelations I still questioned how the Rapture could be on September 29, 2019 when the only day where the moon was officially at the feet of the woman Virgo was on September 30th, 2019. Now that I knew Israel’s timeframe for the Rapture was during the 3rd watch of the night, I could finally figure out the timeframe of the Rapture in my own geographical location! So I decided to pull up my location on Stellarium around this timeframe to see if there was anything significant going on in the heavens!

I started on 9/29/19 at the very beginning of the timeframe around 17:00 (5 pm) which is 12 am in Israel. Gradually increasing the time through 6 and 7 pm, I could hardly believe my eyes as the moon was being birthed out of the woman Virgo! As I finally reached the very end of the timeframe at 20:00 (8 pm), which is 3 am in Israel, the moon was fully birthed outside the womb of Virgo just like a baby! Oh Hallelujah! Now if this isn’t a perfect representation of the Church body of Christ getting birthed out of here in the Rapture, I surely don’t know what would! This further solidified my belief that Israel will be raptured up to heaven at the end of the 3rd watch (3 am)! In addition, ever since I had my encounter with the Lord on 1/1/17 at 8 in the morning, I thought it would be Incredible if we were raptured up to heaven at 8 in the evening just like Jesus (Yeshua) said that he is the Alpha & Omega, the Beginning & the End (Revelation 22:13), and sure enough 8 pm looks like a promising time for the Rapture to happen in my location! WOW!! What are the odds of that?! Astronomical!
Brothers and Sisters in Jesus (Yeshua), I can’t express my URGENCY Enough! This is me Sounding the ALARM to You! NOW is the time that you need to be ready for the Rapture to happen IMMINENTLY!!! You do not need to be waiting till the day of Rosh Hashanah to get right with the Lord! You need to make 100 Percent SURE that you are filled up and overflowing with God’s Holy Spirit and everyone around you! God’s Holy Spirit is the ONLY thing that is going to get you to heaven!!! Without God’s Holy Spirit living inside of you, you cannot make it to heaven! Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50)! Also, without God’s Holy Spirit, you are NOT his (Romans 8:9)! Now is certainly NOT the time to be falling back into the ways of the world! Instead, you need to be trimming your lamps, letting go of the things of this world, and ridding your life of everything holding you back from the Lord – throwing it all away like a dirty rag! There is a reason why the whole Jewish month of Elul is spent in True Heart Repentance unto the Lord all the way up to the day of Rosh Hashanah! That is Precisely what ALL of us need to be doing!! We need to be on our faces repenting of our sins, asking the Lord to wash us thoroughly through and through from the inside out to rid us of every uncleanness! Also, we need to be asking the Lord to cleanse us, purify us, sanctify us, and consecrate us to his heart so that we will be found worthy to come into his kingdom! In addition, we need to be praying in the Holy Spirit on ALL occasions (Ephesians 6:18, Jude 1:20 – 21) and crying out to God with all our hearts for our family, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, people all over the world, our pets, etc. to make it into heaven!
So PLEASE SHARE this post with as many people as you possibly can! There are Way Too Many people out there who still have not accepted Jesus (Yeshua) into their hearts and need to know the All-Consuming RADICAL Love of the Lord for them! Everyone NEEDS to have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of them first by coming to True Heart Repentance unto Salvation – accepting Jesus (Yeshua) into your heart and life; second, water immersion baptism (full submerging in water for remission of sins) – further asking the Lord to fill you up with God’s Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues; and third, Holy Spirit baptism – actually being infilled with God’s Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues! The Lord desires to have a personal intimate relationship with you through his Holy Spirit! He paid for it on the cross! All you have to do is accept what the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) has already paid for! However, just confessing with your mouth that you believe in Jesus is NOT enough! You have to have God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within you and you need to know that 100 percent! Speaking in tongues is a FREE gift of the Spirit that is your direct line of communication with God the Father and Jesus (Yeshua) and God’s Holy Spirit is your 100 percent proof of purchase “guaranteed heaven” seal for Rapture day! Thus, if you have the gift of speaking in tongues that is guaranteed evidence that you have God’s Holy Spirit living inside of you and you are going to heaven! So take this EXTREMELY LITTLE time you have left and Use it Wisely by doing Everything You Can to Guarantee you are Sealed by God’s Holy Spirit for Rapture day!
Let us ALL be found with our lamps Shining Brightly and our vessels overflowing with an Infinite amount of oil (God’s Holy Spirit) that can Never run dry as we watch and wait excitedly and expectantly Until This Wondrous Day Dawns!