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March 31, 2017, the Lord gave me a dream where I was sitting on a long flat mattress in the right-hand corner of a building and it was night-time, but I could still see dimly. I looked to my left and I saw the disciple Mary Magdalene sitting down next to me. Then I saw a man laying down on the mattress in front of me who was trying to fall asleep with his feet pointing my way and his head pointing in the opposite direction. For some reason in my dream I knew it was the disciple Peter! All of a sudden Peter rose up with his back facing me and his shirt was pulled up on his back. Then in my dream, it was as if I had a syringe in my hand and I gave Peter a shot in the back, but I could not understand why! Peter laid back down where he had been laying before and this time he fell asleep! I went back to where I was sitting before giving Peter the shot and when I looked down, I noticed I had a purple blanket covering my legs. I took the purple blanket that was laying on top me and I covered Peter with it to keep him warm so he could sleep.

My dream skipped and I was walking down the hallway of some school or university of medicine and as I walked down the hall, I saw my supervisor from UNCG who is over teaching assistants for biology labs and I also saw one of my old high school teachers who in all reality is a practicing nurse. As I passed them they smiled at me and I smiled back, but I remember feeling like I was hiding what I truly felt on the inside. On the inside I knew that I was no longer interested in being there or interested in what I was studying anymore, but I did not know for sure what the Lord wanted me to do with my life. All I knew was I did not want to be there anymore!

As I walked down the hallway, I got to the end of it, turned to the right, and made an immediate left into this brightly lit classroom. The classroom looked stark white it was so brightly lit! When I walked through the door, I saw the left end of a long rectangular table with an Asian fellow with dark black hair sitting down at it facing the front of the classroom. I walked to towards the back of the classroom and there was another end to a long rectangular table where two girls I grew up with and went to high school with were sitting. I knew one of the girls was in all actuality a practicing nurse, but I could not remember what the other girl did as a career. I walked to the end of their table where there was a chair and I was intending on sitting down, but I started to have this excruciating pain run up and down my spine! It literally felt like my spine was deteriorating or something! I remember feeling like I was screaming inside of myself because of this pain! I tried to sit down in the chair, but I could not bend my back to the back of the chair, I had to sit straight out against the edges of the chair and by this time I was bawling the pain was so intense… I could not hold it in any longer! I remember the girls at the table were not sympathetic at all! They said something like, “Oh… I hope that pain is not like the pain I had before.” I had to get up from the chair because I could not sit down and I started bawling and crying out even louder! That was the end of my dream.

Right after this dream the Lord showed me a vision of a bunch of words in a sentence that read like a question asking: The walk of deliverance was just sleeping?

Well, I had no idea what this question meant at first, but I knew it had something to do with the dream I had before it because in my dream Peter was sleeping and this question had the word “sleeping” in it, so I knew they were connected in some way. When I began to analyze the latter part of the dream, it seemed that I was crying out over the pain in my spine that I was trying to relieve Peter from in the beginning of the dream through an injection! I knew that the only reason why I would be giving an injection in the back would be to relieve pain and usually the only time anyone gets an injection in that area is during pregnancy! I thought to myself, how could this make any sense…?? Peter is not a woman! So I looked up who exactly could administer epidurals during pregnancies and I found that only doctors trained in anesthesiology can do that. And what is so funny is that in the latter part of my dream, I was walking through a medical school! However, I could not entirely figure out what this dream meant. It was not until later that the Lord revealed the underlying meaning behind this significant dream!

Not long after I had this dream, the Lord led me to 2 Thessalonians 2:5-8, where Paul is speaking to the church of Thessalonica, saying:
5 “Don’t you remember when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.” -NIV

I wondered who exactly the restrainer in verse 7 of this passage of scripture was referring to, so I went to Strong’s Concordance Biblehub online to look up each individual word in the original Greek and what I found surprised me! First, I thought it strange that when I looked up verse 7 on the Strong’s Concordance Biblehub, the end of verse 7 read entirely different in English from what was stated in my NIV Bible… Their verse 7 read, “…until out of the midst he might be [gone].” The word gone was in parentheses and I knew that this had to have been added onto the end of the sentence and did not actually belong there (I thought that was very misleading)! So the REAL last word of the sentence in Greek was genetai which they said stood for “he might be,” but if you click the number above the word genetai it gives the short definition of the word, which more precisely states: “I come into being, or am born!” Secondly, when you look at the word before genetai in verse 7 that Strong’s says stands for “out of,” it is ek in Greek. If you click the number above the word ek it shows the short definition, which more accurately means: out from among, or suggesting from the interior outwards. Lastly, the word after ek is mesos in Greek, which Strong’s says stands for “the midst,” but if you click the number above the word mesos it gives the short definition which more correctly means: middle, in the middle, or between.

I was shocked to realize that all these short definitions came together to formulate a brand new and more literal translation to the ending of verse 7 than what was given in my Bible or in English on Strong’s Concordance Biblehub! The new ending of verse 7 more precisely reads: “…until out from among the middle (interior) I am born!”
This verse points us back to the Revelation 12 Sign mentioned in the book of Revelations chapter 12 in the Bible where we (the church) are being born out from the interior of a pregnant woman (Israel) and raptured up to heaven to God and His throne out of the way of being devoured by the red dragon (Satan)!

As I pondered over this scripture, the Lord brought the dream of Peter to my remembrance and I discovered that the Lord was uncovering the hidden meaning behind the dream he gave me! The Lord revealed that in this dream Peter represented Israel (the pregnant woman giving birth) and that I represented the church (the male child raptured up to heaven). The Lord also showed me that the church would be restraining Israel’s labor pains because I was giving Peter (Israel) an epidural injection in the spine that reduced his pain so much that it made him fall asleep! So on a grander scale, we (as the church body of Christ) are not just restraining the antichrist from coming, but we are also restraining the labor pains of Israel! Once the church is raptured out, then the birth pains will come upon Israel like that of a woman in labor and that will be the time of Jacob’s Trouble otherwise known as the Tribulation period! The Lord helped me understand something important from the latter part of my dream where I was bawling and crying out in pain… That as long as the church body of Christ is still here, we will be restraining the antichrist and the tribulation from coming. Yet just like a baby writhes and cries out when it is born – so we will be struggling and crying out to the Lord to save us out of this world – and even louder as we see the birth pains of the world escalate to such a dramatic state that we know that we are just about to be (birthed) raptured up to heaven!

Wow! It just blew my mind how much the Lord disclosed through this one dream and scripture, that I thought there was no way the Lord could possibly show me more, but he did!

On May 4, 2017, the Lord gave me an astonishing dream… I was riding in the back of this white SUV to some place but I did not know where we were going. It was dark back there because the whole interior was black, but I could still see dimly. I was the only one sitting in the back of the SUV and the whole back seat was folded down flat with a blanket laying down so that I could sit back there. I noticed that I was wearing a dress, I had a big belly, and my barefooted feet were positioned on the back side of each head rest like I was in labor, but I did not feel pregnant because I had no pain! I could not understand what was going on, but when I looked down and to my left, I was shocked to see a baby laying there on the blanket! My initial instinct was to hurry and pick the baby up to keep it safe, but I still did not know for sure if it was mine or not. The baby was a boy and he was curled up in a fetal position with dark brown hair and a red appearance to his skin like he had just been birthed! I saw that the umbilical cord was still attached and had not been cut, so I traced the umbilical cord with my eyes to make sure it was coming from me and it was! He was my baby! I immediately snatched him up in my hands to keep him safe and I saw a bright light shining from between the front seats above the middle console area, so I held the baby up to the light. The baby boy was so tiny that he curled up in my hands and I could feel his little spine in my right hand as I held him up to the light. As we were riding along like this, it got really bumpy and whenever we hit a bump the baby would cry out even louder! I was desperately concerned for the baby and getting him to a safe place – I thought when are we ever going to get to our destination?!! Then my dream ended…

This dream of me being pregnant really jolted me! I knew right after having this dream I absolutely had to know the meaning behind it! As I contemplated this dream, I immediately discerned that this dream represented the Revelation 12 Sign because I was pregnant (like Israel) with a baby and the baby was a boy (like the church)! Also, in this dream I was pregnant and did not even know it because I had no labor pains (Tribulation)! Studying this dream further, the Lord unveiled that this dream was connected to my dream about Peter by the spine and the Revelation 12 Sign! In the dream about Peter I was giving him an epidural injection in the spine with searing pain running up and down my spine in the latter part of the dream, which is directly connected to me holding the baby boy in this dream and feeling his spine in my right hand! Both this dream and the dream about Peter involved the Revelation 12 Sign because Peter was pregnant in the other dream, which symbolized Israel and I was pregnant in this dream, which symbolized Israel! Additionally, in the latter part of the dream of Peter, I was crying out just like the baby boy crying out in this dream, who is symbolic of the church!

Furthermore, through this dream, the Lord gave me some prophetic insights into the future! I believe that the Lord is revealing that Israel will not initially take ownership of or accept the church (the body of Christ) as being theirs and birthed out of them, but eventually they will come to realize that the church originated from them and they will take full ownership of the church. Once Israel comes to fully acknowledge the church as stemming from them, they will hold the church up to the light by pointing them to the truth. So there is some truth that Israel (the Jewish people) know that we as the church (the body of Christ) needs to know and they are the only ones who can enlighten us to this truth! I personally believe this truth might have something to do with the feast days (the appointed times of the Lord) and their connection to the rapture, what time it is, and where exactly we are sitting on the end-times prophetic timeline!
After having these dreams, the Lord led me to a passage of scripture in Isaiah that relates perfectly to these two dreams as well as the Revelation 12 Sign!

Isaiah 66:7-9 reads: “Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion (Israel) in labor than she gives birth to her children. Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.

This scripture is pointing us directly to the Revelation 12 Sign written by the disciple John in the book of Revelations! As Gentile believers in Jesus Christ, we have the Bible containing the book of Revelations which encompasses the Revelation 12 Sign (a key sign to look out for in unlocking end-times prophecy) in our very hands! However, Israel (the Jewish people) do not have the Bible in their possession, so they do not know the sign to look for! Yet, what the Jewish people do have in their possession is a deep-rooted knowledge of the appointed feast days of the Lord and the meaning behind each one, which is pivotal in understanding precisely when to look for these Biblical end-time signs (such as the Revelation 12 Sign) as well as understanding exactly what time it is in regard to the rapture of the church body of Christ!

The church (body of Christ) is birthed out of Israel (the Jewish nation). The church was started by the Jews! We must understand the importance of Israel, not just as birthing the church, but the pathway of delivery! Israel, according to the Revelation 12 Sign is the pregnant mother, not the virgin Mary (like many Catholics presume) and the baby is not Jesus Christ. Israel has to be the pregnant mother of the Revelation 12 Sign because it only makes sense that she is the one with the 12 stars crowning her head which stand for the 12 tribes of Israel spoken of in Genesis chapter 49! We must see the importance of Israel especially now that we are living in end-times bible prophecy fulfillment! Israel is going to play a major role in directing the church body of Christ to the truth of what time it is and where we are really at on the end-times timeline. We must be watching Israel right now, because everything dealing with Israel (the Jewish people) is important to the church body of Christ in pointing us to the truth of the times!

Additionally, the church body of Christ must be waking up the Jewish people (God’s chosen people) to the truth of Jesus (Yeshua HaMashiach). Jesus Christ is not Catholic! Jesus Christ is Jewish! Jesus is a bloodline descendant of Abraham and King David from the tribe of Judah. Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah first and foremost, we must not forget that! Jesus said that he came only for the lost sheep of Israel (his Jewish nation) in Matthew 15:24. Jesus did not only come for the Jews, but he also brought salvation to the Gentiles as well, because he was not accepted by the Jewish people (his people Israel) when he came, even though he mainly came for them. We need to be waking up the Jewish people to the truth of who Jesus truly is! This has been hidden from them for way too long! We must wake up Israel (the Jewish people) to the truth of Jesus Christ, their true Messiah! How can we sit back and let our Jewish brothers and sisters (the natural branches) stay in darkness about Jesus their true Messiah when we (the wild engrafted olive shoots) have been so richly blessed by the Jewish people with the gospel of Jesus Christ – our only way of salvation?!! According to the dreams and confirmations the Lord has shown me, as well as the Revelation 12 sign, we (the church body of Christ) are delivered out of Israel.

We must wake up the way of deliverance!